Chapter 48

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"Is he going to be okay?" I ask Allura,as we gather around Shiro,who's in a healing pod.

"Only time will tell if this body will accept Shiro's consciousness." She answers.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Lance asks. Pidge pulls up a screen from the device on her wrist.

"I've tried to contact the Voltron Coalition,but I can't get through. It doesn't make any sense. There might be some distortion I'm not picking up on. Maybe we need to get into the upper atmosphere for a better signal?"

"The lions aren't going anywhere without recharging their power cores." Hunk speaks up.

"The battle with Lotor severely depleted them. If we had the Castle of Lions we could recharge them but..." Allura trails off. I glance at Keith,who hasn't taken his eyes off Shiro this whole time. I grab his hand,the one not resting on the pod,he doesn't react,but he lightly squeezes my hand.

"Is there another way to recharge them?" Pidge asks,I snap back to the conversation.

"They can recharge naturally given time and ambient energy,but that might take phoebs." Coran answers.

"There's gotta be something we can do." Keith state,finally looking up from Shiro.  

"We are on the Dalterian Belt, home to the element faunatonium. We may be able to use it as a temporary solution." Coran explains.

"Faunatonium? How will that charge the power cores?" Lance questions.

"It involves gluon field fluctuations--" Lance cuts Coran off.

"You know what? Never mind. Magic or something? Sure." 

"Not far off. We're going to use the element to expand the energy particles within the cores. But first,we need a yalmor."

"Wait,there are yalmors on this planet?" Hunk inquires.

"Oh,so were finally going to see the animal you talk about a lot?" I say,slightly excited.

"How do you think we find the faunatonium? Yalmors have a nose for the stuff."

"Okay,you guys find a yalmor and get this faunatonium. I'll stay with Shiro." Keith says,looking back at Shiro. Krolia puts her hand on his shoulder and smiles at him.

"I'll stay as well." We look at Allura. "I may have exhausted the limits of what I have learned on Oriande,but I sill might be able to help somehow.

"Alright then,we'll get started." Coran says as they begin to walk out the lion. I hesitate.

"Go." Keith says. 

"Are you sure? I'm kind of worried about you."

"I'll watch him,don't worry." Krolia said. I nod,then walk to the others.

"Wait." We turn to Romelle. "You just fought Lotor,defeated him,stopped an explosion that could have ended reality,took your friends consciousness from the black lion of Voltron and put it inside his clone,and now we're simply moving on?" She says,animating her words with her hands.

"Trust me, I'm always saying the same thing, but these guys like to move on." Hunk tells her.


We travel along the planet. We end up in a beautiful forest,we look around in amazement. I stop to look at some large flowers,Coran walks up next to me,sniffs the flowers,then sneezes loudly. I look at the flower,then take a step back. Coran licks the flower.

"Yep,yalmors definitely sprayed here." He says casually,we all groan in disgust. Coran walks forward and lets out loud screeches. Lance and I exchange looks. Similar sounding screeches sound in the distance,Coran gasps and run towards the sound,we follow him. We peak over some bushes to see a creature,kind of reminds me of an ant eater,stops in from of the bushes.

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