Chapter 30

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Happy 4th of July to my readers that celebrate it!! I'm not celebrating this year because we have nothing to do.


The three of us jumped out of the yellow lion. Using our jet packs we flew over to the gills, Hunk struggling a bit. The gills opened and closed with each breath, Hunk flew next to Keith and I, only to flip upside down.

"Got it. Got it." He said once he got in the right position, and we flew inside the gills and down a tunnel. We exited the tunnel and landed in a part of the weblum with gas rising. Hunk put his foot down, only to immediately pull it back up, a green goo dripping from is foot.

"Aw yuck! What am I standing in? A mucus pocket? I do not like mucus. And is that steaming stomach acid? Lookit right over there. Oh man I really hope I don't see any blood!"

"Hunk! Knock it off, you're freaking yourself out." Keith said.

"No, standing inches away from a pus bubble is freaking me out." Hunk said and stomped on the bubble. Pus flew out, making jump back to avoid being hit, and started steaming which in turn made Hunk panic more.

"Look, we're inside a disgusting worm. There's no sugar coating it." I agreed with Keith as I crossed my arms and looked around at the acid. "We're going to need that big brain of yours if we want to make it through. Will you be alright?" Hunk continued to whine to groan while looking around.

"Will you be alright?" I asked a little louder. Hunk slowly turned to look at the two of us.

"Okay, okay." He takes a deep breath. "I'll be okay."

"Good. We gotta be able to count on you." I say and pat his shoulder.

"Besides, no one knows and explosive digestive track like you." Keith says and walks away.

"Wait did you just make a joke? Seriously that was a joke wasn't it?" Hunk says. I shake my head with a smile. Keith flies to another part of the weblum, Hunk and I behind him.

"You're saying I throw up a lot. I get it. It's funny." Hunk laughs as Keith ignores him.

"Wow. Glara Keith is way funnier than regular Keith." Hunk says as we approach behind Keith, who's staring at the wall of the weblum.

"He's not any different, Hunk. Well, you know, besides being part Galra. He's not any different." I tell him.

"Okay, we need to find a way around the stomach acid." When Keith finishes his sentence, little creatures come from the wall we're staring at. They look familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

"What are those?" Keith asks as they start to fly around us.

"I don't know, maybe they're bacteria?" I know I've seen them before. Two of the creatures fly to Hunk and land on his head.

"Wait, they seem friendly. They like me! They're tickling me!" He says as more fly to him. "Wait, that's not tickling. That's hot acid! They want to kill us!" He yells as he throws them off.

"That's it!" I yell, making the boys whip their heads to look at me. "They're from Coran's video. You know. the part where he said these things could kill us?" I explain as we all got out our bayard.

"I think they're part of the creatures digestive system. They're trying to break down the food and we're the food." Hunk yells as he starts shooting. Keith and I slice the creatures while standing back to back. I hear a yell, Keith and I turn to see Hunk being absorbed into the wall of the weblum.


"I'm here. I'm surrounded by blood. I hate blood!" Hunk says through the comms.

"You've got to find a way out of the circulatory system." I say. Keith and I continue to fight the little creatures. More and more come out making us back up. We stop at and edge, below us is the pool of acid.

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