Chapter 7

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We arrived in  Klaizap's village. All around us was little aliens like him, and they are super adorable.
"Oh lion goddess. I King of the Arusians, beg for your forgiveness. Please have mercy on us and accept our traditional Dance Of Apology." The king clapped and a girl Arusian ran up and started dancing, with others playing music.
"Please, there's no need for this." Allura said.
"Moontow,halt! The goddess has refused our dance. Start the sacrificial fire. We must throw our selves in." The king said, I gasped as Allura began stopping them.
"No! No sacrifices."
"So, may we proceed with the dance?" The king asked, with two Arusians were about to throw one in the fire in the background.
"That's a better alternative." The king clapped and the girl started dancing again. I will admit, she dances better than I do. When the girl finished they all bowed to the ground.
"Please rise. I'm not worthy of your worship. I accidentally put you all in danger, so I should be apologizing. I'm Princess Allura and these are the Voltron Paladins. Although we come from different worlds and have very, very, different tradition's, we wish to live along side as friends." Allura spoke.
"But the robotic angel, has it not come to destroy us?"
"Voltron? No, that mighty robot is here to protect you. Let it it be known that Voltron will protect every innocent being through out the universe!" The Arusians cheered at Allura's words. They even came and gave us hugs. A little Arusian came up to me and I picked her up while others where hugging my legs. A girl one even came up and jumped on Keith, who was next to me.
"I don't hug strangers, but man you are cuddly."
"Thank you." It said in a deep voice, the look at Keith's face is what made me lose it.
"What's so funny?" Keith asked.
"Your face! I'm sorry." I said as I nearly dropped the child I was holding from laughing so hard.
"Shiro?" Allura suddenly said, she must have heard him from her ear piece in her earrings. A loud rumble mad us look up, only to see a Galra ship coming towards us.
"Oh no, we gotta get to our lions!" Keith said. Allura started evacuating the Arusians.
"Every one get inside and stay down."
"I'm on it." Hunk said as he ran with them.
"Not you." Keith dragged him away. We heard the ship crash a little ways away. We got into our lions and went to where the ship crashed. There was a giant robot shooting a purple orb at Shiro and Pidge. They were not doing so good. We all shot at the robot.
"Lay down some covering fire so they can get out of there!" Keith yelled.
"Check this out! Battle lion head-butt!" Hunk yelled and ran into the back of the robot knocking it over.
"You okay down there?"
"Alive for now." Shiro answered.
"Are the Galra behind this?" Hunk asked.
"I think so, but I've never seen anything like it." Shiro answered.
"So what's the plan?" I asked.
"Shoot at it with everything we got? Take out it's weapons? Call it names?" Lance finished.
"If we want to take it down there only one way to do it."

Cue Voltron forming cut seen.

We landed back on the ground and stood face to face with the robot.
"Remember we are one unit, fighting with one goal." Shiro said. The robot got his purple orb back, and we ran towards it. It threw the orb we moved out of the way. We used Keith to punch it, only to get blocked. Then did an uppercut with Pidge. We attacked only to get blocked again. It got its purple orb to come back and it Voltron in the back, we fell to the ground. We managed to move out of the way before it did it again.
"I thought Voltron was the most powerful weapon in the universe!" Keith yelled
"Yeah so how's this monster kicking our butts?" Huck yelled back.
We turn to avoid the orb, only for the robot to attack, throwing us. We turned to see the Arusians village not far.
"Oh no, the village! We have to protect it's people." Shiro said. It hit us with the orb again and we barely missed landing on the village. We get him to follow us away from the village.
"We got him away from the village but how do we stop him?" Pidge asked.
"I got it! I'm going to power kick that orb." Lance said.
"No, the last time you did that we fell." Keith said.
"Stop living in the past." I rolled my eyes at Lance. The robot threw the orb and we aimed to kick it. Only to miss and have it the chest, you know, where I am. I let out a scream as we fell to the ground, the robot running towards us.
"Korra, you okay, it hit the chest." Keith said, with worry in his voice.
"Other than making the whip lash that I got from training worse, I'm fine." I heard him sigh in relief.
"Pidge fire lasers now!"
"Got it! Fire!" The shield appered in front us.
"No lasers lasers!" The orb hit the shield pushing us back, and again knocking us the the ground.
"Every time we focus on that monster, we're blind sided by the monster, and every time we focus on the monster the orb hits!" Hunk said.
"The what do we do?" Lance asked.
"Orb!" The orb hit is, knocking is into the side of the canyon.
"Shiro we gotta move! Shiro? Shiro are you there?" Shiro suddenly goes quiet.
"That sound. I recognize that monster from when I was prisoner. I know how to beat him!" Shiro said as it ran towards us, we moved just before it could hit us.
"Listen, there's a loud sound when the orb returns to the base of the weapon, and every third time the orb needs to charge. That's this monsters weakest point that's when we strike!" Shiro said.
"Okay so what do we do in the mean time?"
"Defense!" It throws the orb. Pidge puts up the shield. It hits it, pushing us back.
"That's one, two more to go." It hits the shield again, that one actually kinda hurt.
"We can't take much more!"
Here comes the orb.
"Last one! Everyone brace for impact!"
It hits one more time, breaking the shield.
We shoot a laser at it knocking it over. Only for it to get back up.
"It didn't work!"
"So now what?"
The orb hits our chest again.
"When I attacked him before I had a sword."
"Orb! Orb!"
It hits us again.
"We can't take another shot like that!"
"Wait a second guys, I think my lions telling me what to do." Keith said.
"Well what ever it is hurry up and do it!" Lance said.
"He's about to take his third shot!" I yelled.
And he did knocking us over once again.
Suddenly, Keith's lion gets a sword and slices the monster. It fell to the ground.
"We did it!"
"How did you do that?"
"Thanks red."
Back at the castle, we're sending off the prisoners we rescued.
"Good luck out there." Lance said.
"Thank you all for everything." One said.
"We never dreamed we'd see our families again. But you gave us hope. You gave the universe hope." And they were off.
"Hey" Keith said walking towards me. "You okay. That orb hit the chest a lot."
"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks." I said with a soft smile.
"Of course, any thing for the one I care about." He said before walking away.
Wow, he does care.
Wowie I wrote this on one sitting  hey guys I'm back. Let me just say, finals suck.
You guys I love all this positive feedback I'm getting on this book, I'm glad so many of you guys like it! (≧▽≦)

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