Chapter 33

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I gotta warn ya'll this is one of my worst chapters. It's one big fight scene and I am h o r r i b l e at writing fight scene cause I don't know how to write them. But enjoy anyways it's still a good one


"We've gotta act fast. The power will be down for only 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons system, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now, let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all."

"Yeah!" We all yelled after Shiro's words.

"Form sword!" We got out the sword, the big blue one, and started to slide it against the ship, small explosions following.  

"Hit the engine systems!" Voltron stabbed the side of the ship, making a huge blast. We then went to sliding the sword on the sides again. We flew up a bit and shot at the ship, then went back down with the sword.

"Stay focused. We've neutralized the engines. Let's target the bridge." At Shiro's words we started to fly up, a noise made us stop. Below us was a big purple sphere.

"What is that?" Lance asked, as we kept flying up. Suddenly a black tendril like magic shot out from the sphere, hitting Voltron right in the torso. Right at the Pink lion. We all  screamed. Oh god, the pain. It felt like the energy was draining from me, from us, from Voltron.

Darkness filled my vision. 

When I came too, who knows how long I've been out. Could have been minutes, or hours. I could hear Shiro talking. God, my body hurts, my head is pounding. I'm weak. But, I'm calm. Is this what it's like to be close to death?

"Is Voltron operational?" I hear Allura ask. I reach with a shaky hand to the controls. Nothing works.

"It's not working." Hunk says.

"I can't move my lion." Oh thank goodness Keith is okay.

"You've been hit with some kind of witchcraft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive!" Coran says.

"If it drew out the quintessence." I wheeze. "Why do I feel like...I've been ran over multiple times." I wince and wrap an arm around my waist.

"Hey, hey you don't sound so good." Keith says, worry being heard clearly in his voice.

"The magic hit the Pink lion directly, it could have done extra damage to you. Now you really need to get out so we can give you medical attention!" Coran all but yells.

"Wait, what is that?" We all look up at Lance's words. A hatch is opening from the side of Zarkon's ship. Slowly out comes out a giant robot like suit, which looks like Zarkon.

"You must get out. Remember your training." Allura says.

"Voltron's still not responding." The robot's eyes light up.

"It's Zarkon." Shiro says. I grab the controls, ignoring the ache in my arms. Zarkon flies toward Voltron.

"Listen to me." Allura says. "You are true paladins now. Connect with your lions, reach out to each other. Fight! This can not end now!" Allura shoots the castles laser at Zarkon, which pushes him back. Zarkon uses his shield to deflect the laser and get it to shoot back at the castle. I could hear Allura's scream echo in my ears.

"Allura!" We all stare at the castle. It's silent for a moment, before Shiro starts to speak.

"Everybody, listen. We have to fight. We have to channel our energy. Visualize five becoming one. We have to focus everything we have into moving Voltron." Zarkon stands up. "We are the last thing standing in the way of Zarkon's total universal domination. I'm not giving up that fight. Are you Hunk?"

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