Chapter 36

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So uh...season 7. Ha uh... I'm just, uh *jumps off a cliff*


"Lotor's cruiser is on the other side of the planet. At our current rate of speed, we should be within attack range in an hour." Pidge said as we followed Keith.

"Good. Stay in formation." Keith says. I could see his ship in the distance. I heard a thump, I turn to see Allura had ran into Hunk.

"Oh, apologies, Hunk!"

"Is attacking right know such a good idea? You know, since not everyone is so great with their lions?" Hunk asked.

"Do you mean me, specifically?" Allura asked.

"You? No. No way, I didn't- I'm just pointing out that half the team are in new lions. Maybe now's not a great time to bite off more than we can chew."

"You can blame our hot headed leader for that one." Lance says. I roll my eyes.

"First you want me to lead, then you complain about how I do it. Prince Lotor is the heir of the Galra throne. We could end his reign right now." Lance flew over next to Hunk, Allura and I.

"Allura, you doing okay in Blue?" He asks.

"I'm fine. I've been flying a castle for half my life. I just need a few ticks to adjust to the lion."

"Good. Because we're going in."


"I'm detecting movement." Keith announced.

"So much for the element of surprise." Lance said. A smaller ship flew out of Lotor's ship.

"It's just a single fighter." Hunk pointed out.

"Where's the rest of them?" I asked.

"Probably scrambling as we speak. Let's take it out." Keith ordered. Keith flies ahead. I sigh and follow. Lance zooms past me and runs into the Black Lion.

"Lance, what are you doing?"

"Sorry! Red here is a lot faster than I'm used to." Lance pauses. "Uh, where did the fighter go?" I look, the ship disappeared while we were distracted. Shots suddenly sounded behind us. The fighter flies past and goes after Keith. 

"I can't shake him. Someone get this guy off my tail." 

"Coming in on your six." Pidge says as the rest of us fly to where they are. We all shoot at this, which it easily dodges. He moves past Keith, making Allura accidentally shoot Keith.


"I'm sorry, Keith!" 

"Seriously, does this thing have breaks?" Lance asks as he flies past Keith. The ship goes after Keith again. The fighter shoots us all one by one. Allura goes after him. I go over to help, the suddenly moves, the Blue Lion is heading straight for the Pink Lion.

"Allura, look out!" I yell. But it's too late, Allura rams into the lion head on. We fly backwards, flipping over the Red Lion.

"Whoa! What's up with this guy? He's playing us against ourselves." Lance points out.

"It's gotta be Lotor." Keith says. I finally stabilize the Pink Lion.

"Allura, you okay over there?" I ask.

"I'm fine, but these controls aren't responding like the castles. What's wrong with you lion? Do as I command! Move!" 

"Maybe someone should suggest to Allura that flying the lion is different from the flying the castle." I say. I hear Pidge agree.

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