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Levi's POV

I arrived to school as expected Hanji wasn't here yet...

"I suggest you break it off with her...."

I sigh memories of me and Kenny's conversation keep running through my head...damn him...

"Levi!" I felt someone Smack my shoulder.

I turned and see Hanji looking at me worriedly "are you alright? I yelled your name 3 times"

I sigh and rub my head "sorry I was thinking about something"

She smiles and I could see that mischievous look appear on her face.

"Watcha thinking about"

I tch and flick her forehead "nothing important"

She groans "lame"

We started walking to class and she held my hand tightly "hey levi instead of going to my house, let's go to the mall!" She smiled.

I sigh "fine"

She makes a pouty face "Aw did someone want cuddles instead of walking around shopping?"

I tch "n-no!"

She laughs softly "I'm just messing with you levi"

I tch again as we arrived to her class "have a good day four eyes" I kissed her cheek.

She smiles "thanks Levi"

I began to leave as she went into her classroom, damn I had physics this morning...

I groan as I reached my classroom...


And just like that school was over...which means I get to hangout with Hanji.

I saw her sitting on a bench on her phone waiting for me, she can't drive yet so I'm the one who takes eachother places.

I walk up to her and she smiles "ready four eyes?"

She nods as I held out my hand and helped her up, I intertwined her fingers with mine as we walked to my car.

I opened the car door for her and she smiles "thank you lil midget"

I roll my eyes and walked to my side and got in. We started heading to the mall and Hanji smiles as she's on her phone.

"Hey Levi can we wear these on Christmas" I arrived at a red light and looked at her phone.

I tch "no way" it was shirts that said 'I've been naughty' and the other said 'I've been nice'.

"Pleaseeee Levi!" She begged, giving me puppy eyes.

I groan "fine..."

She smiles and pecks my cheek "yay!"

We soon arrived at the mall and Hanji was full of energy.

We walked inside and everything was all Christmas themed.

I tch "I hate Christmas"

Hanji frowns "how come? You're birthday is on Christmas! Meaning you get double the attention!"

"Exactly, I hate attention"

Hanji smiles "Aw but you enjoy my attention"

I tch "because you're my girlfriend and best friend..."

She smiles "well since it's going to be your 18th birthday it's going to be extra special!"

Yeah's going to be the worst birthday ever....

She squeezes my hand "I'll make sure you have the best birthday ever! Hey maybe you can spend your Christmas with us since don't really like your uncle that much"

I grin and peck her cheek "that's up to your parents Hanji"

She smiles "they won't mind after all my mom and dad enjoy having your presence"


She nods "yeah my parents think you're a great pick for me..."

Great....they're are going to hate my guts when I break up with her....but I couldn't bare seeing them get hurt because of me.

I grin "that's good to hear..."

While we were walking Hanji stopped me at a toy store "hey Levi let's go in here!"

I sigh "alright"

We look at all the stuff animals and Hanji grabbed a black cat that looked grumpy "look Levi it's you" she snickers.

I tch and she continues looking at the stuff animals while I looked at possible gifts to buy her for Christmas.

I found some cute stuff animals she may enjoy but I want to get her something really special.

We soon left the toy store and explored the mall looking at different things. We eventually went into a jewelry store and I began to look around.

"I can't really afford anything here levi..." she whispered to me and I chuckle "it's ok, we're just here to look around Anyway"

I kept looking at the necklaces when I stopped upon a beautiful necklace with a sapphire stone charm...sapphire is the month of her birthday.

I need to remember to get that before Christmas, I walk up to Hanji and she smiles "we can leave now"

She nods and we continued going to other stores, Hanji bought a few shirts and toys and we left the mall before she bought more toys.

I drove her home, when we got to her house I helped get her bags out of the backseat.

I grabbed the last bag "well that's the last bag"

She smiles "thanks Levi"

I grin and pull her into a tight hug "see you tomorrow?"

She nods "yep!"

She pulls my face close and kisses me passionately.

"Love you my little midget"

I grin "love you too four eyes"

She grabbed her bags and kissed my cheek saying goodbye.

I watched her walk into her house before leaving back home...

I began to question myself...

Will I have the courage to even break up with her?

Tainted love {levihan}Where stories live. Discover now