
243 16 14

7 years later

Levi's POV

I looked through my binoculars and saw our target....

I sigh "alright everyone get into postitions"

"Yes sir" my squad said before disappearing to their positions.

Our goal was to stop our target from selling some goods that was stolen from us.

Our plan was that armin is going to be or decoy while eren and mikasa sneak up behind our target and the buyer, Jean and me have our weapons aimed at the two men just in case things go south, Sasha and Connie are scouting to make sure no one else approaches the scene especially the police.

"Levi the buyer is on their way" Sasha said into her mic piece.

"Roger that, everyone get ready"

Me and Jean aim at our target as the buyer approached him.

"Do you have the goods?"

"Yes" the Target shows the buyer the package "just like you asked"

The buyer shows him the suitcase and all the money that was inside "it's all there"

The target nods and they began their trade off "Armin now" I said into my mic piece.

Armin comes out of the shadows and starts his act "heyyyyy thereeee" he said drunkily.

The men pulled out their weapons and aimed them at armin "Oi who are you!" The buyer yelled.

"Heh heh just a guy looking for some booze"

The buyer tchs "beat it kid or I'll have to kill you"

"Eren, mikasa go"

"Awww man no need to ruin the funnnnn" he giggles.

"That's it!" The target aimed his gun at armin.

"Say your goodbyes kid-" mikasa tackled the target onto the ground.

"W-what the!" Before the buyer shot his weapon Eren punched him in the face knocking him back.

"Let's go" I told Jean as we started walking up to them.

Eren aimed his gun at the buyer "don't move"

Mikasa had the target pinned down, he wasn't going anywhere.

"Damn you bitch!" The target yelled.

"Oi watch who you're calling a bitch" Eren said angrily.

I tapped his shoulder "calm down"

The target and buyer stared at me surprised "l-Levi!"

I tch "you got some nerve stealing from us and selling it to other people" I said to the target.

"I-I'm sorry, please spare me" he begged.

I bent down to his face "what's your name?"

"L-Leo! Please I'm good friends with Kenny"

I sigh "if you're such good friends with him then why did he send me to kill you? Huh"

The color in face drained "please don' won't happen again"

"You're damn right it won't"

He starts crying how pathetic "how about this I'll let you go, but do me a favor and don't tell anybody, ok?"

He nods "I won't! I swear!"

I looked at mikasa "let him go"

"But Levi-"

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