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Few days later....

Hanjis POV

After everything today I decided to quit my job, levi was driving me to my work and would wait until I finished talking to Becky.

We arrived at the place and Levi sighs "do you want me to stay here or go with you?"

I rubbed my arm looking at the club...the last time I was here...well it wasn't a pleasant time.

"If you don't mind....would you come with me?"

He nods "sure"

We get out of the car and I stayed close to him as we approached the club.

When we got inside I looked around and saw becky talking to someone at the bar.

I turn to Levi "I'll be back in just a second"

He nods and I walk to Becky and she notices me then approaches me "Hanji darling, where have you been? I've been worried sick"

I sigh "I'm sorry Becky for not contacting you...but it's just been a lot recently"

Becky smiles softly nodding "it's ok darling" she then looks me up and down "considering you aren't dressed for work, I'm assuming you have something to tell me?"

I nod "yeah...Um, I want to resign"

Becky laughs softly "about damn time too"


She pats my shoulder "listen sweetheart don't get me wrong you are a good dancer clearly hate working here and I don't blame ya, this is a hard profession and is not for the faint of heart"

I smile "so you're not mad?"

She laughs again "mad? No sweetheart I'm happy for you"


She sighs "you're young....there are Better jobs in this world for you, ya just got to find them"

"Thanks Becky..."

She nods "and don't worry about paperwork, I'll get everything filled out for ya" she winks.

She looks behind me and spots Levi then looks back at me "is he with you?"

I turn around and see Levi looking at his watch, I then turned back to Becky "yes?"

She sighs "I would be careful with that one"

I lift an eyebrow, does she know about Levi's secret? "What do you mean?"

"His uncle...anytime his uncle comes into my club it's like the whole room goes cold, there's something about that man that's just not right....and he treats my employees like shit....look all I'm saying is just be careful"

I smile becky really does care about her co workers... "I will becky, I can promise you that"

She nods "that's good to hear...well I'll leave ya to your business, and it was great working with you Hanji"

I nod "you too becky, and thank you for everything"

"Anytime sweetheart and remember don't be afraid to holler to me if you ever want to hangout" she winks before walking away.

I smile and walk back to Levi "ready?"

I nod "yep"

He grins and we walk out the club heading to his car...I wanted to know more about this kenny guy....and the fact Levi never really mentioned him to me....

When we got in the car I decided to ask Levi...I needed the truth "hey Levi"


"How dangerous is your uncle...."

He stopped what he was doing and stayed quiet....


He lets out a sigh "why are you suddenly asking me this Hanji"

I frown "because you never explained him to now answer my dangerous is he"

Levi grips the steering wheel "more dangerous than you think"

"What do you mean"

Levi looked at me "that's none of your concern"

"I think it is levi! Considering me and ashes lives could be in danger of him!"

Levi tchs "I won't let him even lay a finger on you or ash, ok?"

"I know you won't Levi but....things can happen so unexpectedly...."

He grabs my hand "Hanji I'm willing to sacrifice everything I have to protect you, ash and my team....Kenny is my problem and mine of right now he doesn't even know about you and I plan to keep it that way....when I become the new leader I'll make sure you have the best one will harm you...I promise"

The fact that he would sacrifice anything for me just doesn't sit well with me....I can't lose Levi....I don't want to loose him...but whenever he sets his mind on something it's nearly impossible to stop him...."Levi...."

He gives me a gentle kiss "Hanji don't worry about me...."

I laugh softly "how can you say that right after you just told me you would sacrifice everything for my protection...."

He grins "it's just who I am"

I smile "yeah that's true...."

I give him another kiss "let's go home and maybe watch some movies?"

He grins "whatever you want Hanji"

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