Twenty four

270 16 0

Levi's POV

While I was driving home I noticed a black car was tailing me....I'm being followed.

I called mikasa.

"Yes sir?"

"I need you, armin and Eren to meet me at the"

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm being followed, just in case I need backup I want you guys there"

"Yes sir, we'll be there asap"


I hung up and started taking the long way to the park to give mikasa, eren and armin time to get there.

Once's I arrived to the park I got out of my car and started walking...I glanced behind me and saw the car park as well and a man came out.

He was following me but I continued to act oblivious....

We kept walking until I reached a secret spot where only me and my squad know where it is....

I heard a gun click "stay right there Levi Ackerman"

I sigh "I wouldn't be doing this if I were you"

The man chuckles "I think I'll be fine, compared to you"

I glanced back at him "so, who hired you?"

"That's none of your business" he glared at me.

I chuckle and fully turn around "does your boss even understand what he's getting himself into?"

The man frowns "he's a genius, of course he does"

"See that's where you're wrong....if he was a genius, you wouldn't be pointing that gun at me in the first place" at this point I was stalling....where is Mikasa.

The man observed me "what are you trying to say..."

I pull up my sleeve revealing my mafia tattoo, Kenny's mafia was well respected by any one who works in the shadows....including hitmen.

His eyes widened "n-no way"

I tch "you're a naive one"

That's when mikasa, eren and armin arrived aiming their guns at the man.

He turns around then looks at me with fear in his eyes.

I smirk "I did warn you"

He aimed to shoot me then Eren shot at his hand making the man drop his gun and cry out in pain.

Mikasa walked over and held the man up holding his arms back as I approached them.

The man looked at me and I sigh "who...hired you"

He spits at me "like hell I would tell you"

I felt my vain pop....this man is disgusting.... I punched him in the face then multiple times in the stomach making him cough up blood.

I grabbed his hair holding his head up "I'm only going to ask one more time....who hired you"

Sweat formed on his face and he was trembling....what a pathetic man.

"H-his name is Erwin smith....."

I nod "why did he hire you"

The man sighs "he originally hired me to spy on his wife tonight....but when he found out you were with her, he sent me to kill you...."

The only person I was with tonight was.....Hanji.

My eyes widened a bit "tell me more about Erwin smith"

The man sighs "I don't know him that well....but I do know he hates his wife...."

Then everything clicked....Hanji was hiding me from him....this must be why....

I grab his jaw "is she safe?"

"How should I know...." he growled as he grit his teeth in pain.

He grins "honestly, Erwin is probably beating that bitch up-"

I punched him square in the jaw again making him cry in pain.

I pull his hair making him face me "call her a bitch again and I'll kill you...."

He slowly nods then I looked at mikasa "you know what to do...."

She nods then starts dragging the man away as he cried for help before getting silenced by eren.

I grabbed armins shoulder "you're coming with me"

"W-where are we going?"

We get in the car "to Hanjis..."

That was all I said before starting the car and started my way to Hanjis house.....

Please Hanji....please be safe.

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