Twenty two

236 13 1

Hanjis POV

I decided to make some bacon and eggs for ash this morning.

He was at the kitchen table coloring in his book while watching cartoons.

I finished the bacon first and placed some on a plate for him, then I made some eggs just the way he likes them.

I walked to the table and placed the plate in front of him, I saw he was drawing something.

"Watcha drawing?" I smiled.

He looks up at me smiling "it's you, me and Levi!"


He nods "Levi is I put him in here too"

I smile and ruffle his hair "I'm glad you like Levi"

He begins to eat his bacon and eggs and I drank my coffee....I'm glad ash has taken a liking of Levi but....I don't want him to get attached...once I get enough money we're leaving this place and going far away from Erwin....

I heard my phone start to buzz and I looked at the screen...speak of the devil


"Hey Hanji..."

I smile softly "can I help you levi?"

"Yeah I was um...I was wondering if you um...wanted to go have dinner tomorrow night?"

"Dinner? What's the special occasion?"

"Just for two friends to catch up....that's all really"

I giggle to myself "is that so? Well In that case I would love to have dinner tomorrow night"

"Ok then, I'll send you the details tomorrow morning"

"Sounds good"

He hangs up and I smile....Why am I excited to go to this dinner? It's just ex...

I sigh we'll that's tomorrow night, I'll ask Becky if I could miss work that night.

Levi's POV

I hung up and smiled to myself, I haven't gone out to dinner with anyone in a long time even if it's just a friend.

I heard a knock at my door and my smile immediately went away.


"It's armin!"

I sigh "come in"

He walks in and had a solemn look on his face "I-I'm sorry about this morning"

I tch "I already told you don't worry about it"

"B-but I still feel almost got into a fight because of me"

I shrug "I always fight it's nothing new"

He nods "ok then..."

I Stand up and pat his shoulder "you don't need to always worry about me kid"

I frowns "but you've done so much for me...for all of us"

I shrug "and you guys always have my back, so we're even"

He nods and I sigh "you wanted a haircut right?"

He perked up and nodded and I made a small grin "then let's go cut your hair"

I pull him into the bathroom and placed a sheet over him while I got my hair supplies and utensils I use to cut my hair.

I pulled out some scissors and sighed "alright let's hope this goes well"



After a long process of cutting and trimming we finally finished.

"What do you think?" I asked as he looked in the mirror feeling his hair.

"I love it!"

He turns to me and smiles "thank you so much Levi"

I chuckle "sure thing"

He walks out the bathroom while I began to sweep up the hair that was on the ground, I heard everyone's shocked reactions when they noticed armins new haircut.

After I finished cleaning I walked into the living room and armin smiled at me "thank you again levi!"

I shrug "it's really nothing"

"Wow levi I didn't know you could cut hair?" Eren grinned.

I sigh "I've been cutting my own hair since I was little, it's not that hard"

I sat on the couch "also everyone needs to shower today"

Eren groans "but Levi we just showered a day ago"

I tch "I don't care,"

Eren groans "it's not fair"

I roll my eyes "grow up life's not fair, after all you live In my house meaning you listen to my rules"

Eren sighs "fine...."

I pulled out my phone and began to look at the recent news so far....nothing much...Kenny wants us to lay low for a bit so we really have nothing to do.

Although I have dinner tomorrow night with Hanji, maybe tomorrow in the afternoon I'll take the brats to go see a movie, ash could come too if he wants since he enjoys hanging out with eren and them.

I sighed, today we can watch movies and play board games....that's all I'm capable of doing today anyway.

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