Twenty three

234 17 3

Hanjis POV

Tonight was me and Levi's dinner night, I honestly didn't know why but I felt all giddy's only dinner, we aren't even dating it's just two friends going out to dinner.

I picked out a nice outfit and made my hair look all nice.

When I walked into the living room I saw Erwin sitting on the couch looking at me suspiciously.

"Can I help you....Erwin" I turned and he frowned.

"Where exactly are you going tonight?" He asked standing up.

"Just dinner with a friend"

I looked into a mirror and was fixing up my makeup when I noticed Erwin was standing right next to me.

"Why was I never told of this?" He sneered.

I frown "you never asked"

He glared me down "who exactly are you meeting up with....Hanji"

I knew if I said Levi Erwin would loose his shit if he knew I was going to meet up with a I thought of my old friend....


He lifts an eyebrow "Nanaba?"

I sigh "yes, now please move she'll be here any second"

"What restaurant?"

I frown "colossal town"

I start to walk away when he stops me "where's ash?"

I sigh "he was out today with a friend he met at the park, his friends mother will be dropping him off soon"

Erwin let's go of me and with a huff he retreats to his room. Honestly I was lucky this conversation didn't end....poorly.

I heard my phone buzz, it was Levi he was here with ash.

I walked outside and Levi came up to me holding a sleepy ash.

I smiled "let me put him to bed then we can leave, ok?"

Levi nods and hands me ash as I went back inside and went to ashes room. I tucked him in bed and kissed his head.

I walked back outside and saw Levi in the car waiting for me.

I got into the passenger seat and he looked at me and smirked.

"You look pretty tonight..."

I smiled "thanks Levi, you look handsome"

He chuckles "it's really nothing"

He turned on his car and we started to drive to the restaurant.

Erwin's POV

I watched Hanji drive off with her so called 'friend'.

She really thinks that she could get away with lying to me....I know that bitch hasn't talked to nanaba in years.

I picked up my phone and called one of my agents.

"Yes sir?"

"I need you to go to this restaurant called 'colossal town' and spy on my wife and give me and exact description of who she is with, you understand?"

"Yes sir I am on my way there"

"good, don't disappoint me"

I set my phone down and sighed....let's see what you're really up to....


Levi's POV

We arrived to the e restaurant and Hanji looked around in awe.

Tainted love {levihan}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz