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Hanjis POV

Becky took me inside through a route that avoided everything so ash didn't have to see.

She took me to room that was backstage, it had a little couch and a tv.

"Here we are!" She smiles as I walked in.

"Thank you Becky...."

She smiles "anytime honey, also if you're worried about him being alone, Jenny just finished her shift and she agreed to look after him while you work.

"S-she really doesn't have to"

Jenny walks inside wearing some casual clothes "ah so you're the one with the kid?"

I nod "yeah...."

She smiles "don't worry girl I've been in your position, and I'll gladly watch over him while you work"

"Thank you Jenny...."

She sighs "I know the struggles of being a single one should go through that alone"

I looked at becky and she winks and I smiled "thanks again...both of you"

Jenny and Becky nod as I went up to ash "mama will be back later, I have to go work but this nice lady will watch over you and play with you so be on your best behavior and listen to what the lady says"

Ash looks at Jenny and smiles then looks at me "ok mama"

I kiss his head before following becky out the room.

"You didn't tell Jenny?"

Becky looks at me "did ya want me too?"

I sigh "no...thank you"

Becky smiles "even if I did tell Jenny she wouldn't tell a soul and would still understand your position"

I smile "you guys are great coworkers..."

Becky smiles "we try"

Becky left while I went to go change....I'm glad to know I can trust my co workers....

Levi's POV

I decided to play a board game with the brats after my nap, since it was our day off.

We decided to play sorry and just take turns after every game.

So far I've won 3 games in a row and everyone is determined to beat me.

That's when eren slammed his fists on the board "alright! New game!"

I tch "what game?"

"Uno!" Eren yelled holding the game.

I sighed "alright let's play"

Eren was the dealer and started passing out cards to everyone.

I heard my phone ring and saw it was from Kenny....what does he want.

"Hold on I need to take this" I sighed getting up and walking away.

"What do you want Kenny"

"Yo! Levi! I need you to meet up with me tonight"

I sighed and rub my head "why?"

"I have a job for you and your group for tomorrow"

I tch "can we meet somewhere BESIDES the strip club"

"Nope, the strip club is the only place"

"Screw you kenny"

He cackles "this club is known for mafia group meetups, like the one back home so we are going to continue going here, it's just the rules"

I sigh "alright fine, when do you want me to be there"

"Right now preferably"

I tch "alright I'm on my way"

I hang up and start leaving when the brats noticed me leaving.

"Eh? Levi where are you going?" Eren asked.

"Kenny wants me to me up with him right was an last minute meetup sorry guys"

They shrug "it's alright, we can play again some other time"

I walk out the door and got into my car....

Hanjis POV

Becky decided to let me take an easy day so all I was pretty much just walking around handing around drinks to people who wanted them.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I ended running into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I smiled.

Then man chuckles "oh it's alright darling"

The vibe I got from him was....creepy.

I started to walk away when he grabbed my arm
"Not so fast pretty lady"

I look at him and he just grins "I want you to come sit with me"

There wasn't much I could do in this position....this is what I have to do in a strip club....

I simply nodded and followed him as he pulled me to a table before he pushed me against a wall.

"What's your name pretty lady?" He gets closer to my face and He smelled like cigarettes....


His eyes widened a bit and he chuckles "now don't be scared....Hanji....I won't hurt you"

The back of his hand caressed my cheek....jeez he's a creepy man.

He smirks as he whispered in my ear "funny how we live in a....small world...."

I felt shivers go down my spine "what do you mean by that...." I asked as he moved his head away from my ear.

"Nothing really..."

He reached out to touch me again and when someone grabbed his arm.

I looked and saw the same man that saved ash today....

"What the hell are you doing kenny...." The man tchs.

The man named Kenny stepped back from me and smiled "just flirting"

"Well stop...we have work to do" the man started to walk away.

"Do you know her, kid?" Kenny then points to me and I looked at the man.

The man turns around and takes a good look at me "no" before he turned back around.

"Really huh! Well you'll find this funny but guess what her name is!" Kenny cackled.

The man sighed and looked at Kenny "no offense but I don't care" he then looked at me and shrugged.

Kenny walks up and grabs the man making him turn around looking at me "where are your manners! Why don't you ask her name like a real gentleman would"

The man tchs as he walked up to me "what's your name..."

"H-Hanji....Hanji Zoe"

The man's eyes widened a bit and he sighs "nice to meet you..."

Kenny walks up gripping onto the man's shoulder "does that ring any bells....Levi" I see it....he's gotten older....but he still has the same haircut and attitude...I couldn't believe it was him.

"Answer me Levi! Do you remember her" Kenny says cackling.

Levi looked at me with sorrowful eyes "she's just a women who works here....I don't know why you think I know her Kenny"

I felt my heart shatter....he doesn't remember me....was I really that easy to forget?....I held back my tears as Kenny laughs.

"I apologize then! Sorry to bother you miss" Kenny said walking away as Levi followed...

I wanted to go slap Levi...but I can't...not here or I will get in trouble.

I walked away continuing to do my hurt to even think about what just happened....

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