Thirty two

186 8 7

Hanjis POV

After me and Levi had our little love session we began to make dinner for the kids when they get back.

I searched through the medicine cabinet and grabbed my morning after pill and took one, we can't risk anything right now.

Levi was already cooking away when I walked into the kitchen, I smiled and walked over to him giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

He grinned "what do you think about having steaks for dinner with some mashed potatoes?"

I smiled "sounds perfect"

I grabbed some fresh potatoes "I'll start the mashed potatoes"

I cleaned the potatoes and threw them in a bowl before grabbing a potato masher and mashing them all up, dinner should be ready by the time the kids get home.


I already finished making the potatoes and Levi just finished seasoning all the steak. I looked at the clock and the kids still weren't back yet.

Levi sighs "damn brats....I told them to be back before 11"

Worry started to grow on me as I remembered ash was with them....maybe something happened I couldn't forgive myself if something were to ash and the kids....

Levi noticed I was worried and came over and gently rubbed my shoulder "they'll be fine Hanji....they are smart and strong, they will do anything to make sure ash is safe"

His words helped reassure me as I held one his hands staring at the clock.

"I'm gonna start cooking the steak" he kissed my cheek before leaving.

I was about to go sit on the couch when I heard the door open and close.

All my worry went away knowing that had to be them.

I ran into the living room "what did Levi and I say about your curfew-"

I was cut short when I saw a tall man with a cowboy hat staring me down, he smirked "well hello there lil lady"

Before I could say anything Levi was already in front of me protecting me as he had a gun pointing at the man....where did he even get a gun.....

"What are you doing here kenny" levi said furiously.

"Well I needed to tell you some important news but it looks like you were too occupied"

"Hanji go in the bedroom"

"But Levi-"

"Now" he gave me a glare and I knew not to push him any further and just listen.

I simply nodded and walked to the bedroom, I looked back and saw the man in the hat grinning at me before closing the door...please be safe levi.

Levi's POV

I looked at Kenny "now spill" I pointed to the couch as we both sat down.

He chuckles "so this is what you have been doing? Who is she"

"What do you want kenny"

"Straight to the point, I see how it is"

He pulls something out of his jacket and it was a photograph....of Erwin.

"You know this man don't you"

"What about him?"

He sighs "he got out of jail"

My eyes widened "how"

He glares at me "he happens to be the owner of a very high ranking mafia"

"They busted him out...."

"Yep and because of the little mishap you had with him he is coming for you and your little lady"

"How do you know all this and how do you know he's connected with her?"

He chuckles again and turns on his phone looking for something.

"Because of this" he sets his phone down and slides it to me.

My eyes widened "no...."

It was a picture of eren and them tied up and did he get them this fast....

I stood up and clutched Kenny's shirt pulling him over the table "why didn't you tell me this!? When was this taken!"

He glares at me and grabbed my arms "my have you gotten strong"

"Answer me!"

"Let go of me or you'll never know"

I gritted my teeth and let him go as he fixed himself "2 hours ago is when I got that message"

"2 hours? Anything could have in that time, do you have any idea where they could be?"

Kenny shook his head "but I could I always track them down" he had a slight smirk on his face meaning he wouldn't do that for free.

I glare at him "what do you want kenny"

He rubs his neck "there was another meeting about the mafia yesterday regarding you"

"Why was I not there?" I clenched my fists, what did this bastard do now.

"I purposely didn't bring you because of how you would have reacted" he makes eye contact with me and I can see in his eyes he's no longer joking around.


"The higher ups believe that you can't be the leader because you don't have an heir"

I tched "why should that matter now? I don't even have a partner" I can't bring Hanji into this.

Kenny glared at me "if you don't think the higher ups haven't noticed that you've been dicking around with that woman in your're more of an idiot than I anticipated"

"What did you tell the higher ups kenny..."

"Whatever it would take to make sure we're the leaders, that you would give them an heir"

I got up and punched Kenny in the face knocking him back "you selfish bastard!" I went to punch him again but he grabbed my fist and dodged the punch before landing a punch in my stomach.

I fumbled back before he landed more punches and continued till I was on the ground where he grabbed me by my hair and made me face him "my my how you've lost your discipline, the deal still stays the same...promise an heir and I'll get those brats and that women's kid back"

I can't do that to Hanji...I'll find another way to get them back without this bastards help "no..."

He shrugs "then good luck finding them" He dropped my head and began walking off.

"Wait!" I turned around and saw Hanji standing there.

"Hanji don't..." I coughed.

She looks at me then at kenny  "do you promise to get the kids back?"

He grins and walks over to Hanji "you have my word"

She nods "I'll give you an heir....just please get them back"

He nods "see Levi it wasn't that hard was it maybe I should consult to this women more often" he cackled, he then brought her close "but if you can't produce an heir I'll be forced to kill you"

I got up and grabbed my gun aiming it at him "if you even lay a finger on her again I'll kill you"

He chuckles before leaving "see ya Levi! I'll be back with your kids, and you both have three months to get busy"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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