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The day of the ball....

Levi's POV

Today is the last day of school before break....the day I leave her just keeps coming closer....but tonight I'm going to make sure she has the best night ever....she deserves it.

I saw her at her usual spot eating with nanaba.

Once I sat next to her both her and nanaba greeted me, although today seems somewhat more special.

"Hey Levi" Hanji pecked my cheek before I handed her and a nanaba a little desert I brought them.

"Eh what's this?" Hanji asked opening the small box.

"Just a little Christmas present for both of you"

Nanaba smiles "thanks Levi!"

Hanji smiles before taking a bite out of a chocolate chip cookie "these are delicious!" She said between bites.

"Did you make these yourself Levi?" Nanaba asked.

I nod "I had time this morning so I made some for you guys"

Hanji hugged me "you're the best boyfriend ever"

I grin softly....I wouldn't go that far...

I see nanaba take a deep breath before pulling out a note.

"What's that for" I asked.

She sighs "I'm going to ask miche to the dance"

"Talk about last second"

She sighs "I know! I haven't been able to muster up all my courage yet, but it's now or never"

Me and Hanji both watch nanaba walk up to miche and his friends and gave him the note before walking back.

When she sat down her face was all flustered "so how did it go?" Hanji asked curiously.

Nanaba sighs "he was a little surprised about the note but I only gave it to him, he hasn't even looked at it yet....what if he completely rejects me"

Hanji places her hand on nanabas "I think everything will be fine, if he does I'll make sure he regrets rejecting such a fine and beautiful person"

Nanaba smiles "thanks Hanji"

I tch "Oi nanaba if he's mean to you just let me know" I crack my knuckles.

Nanaba laughs nervously "heh heh alright levi"

We continued eating our lunch and pretty much talking about our Christmas plans, nanaba was going out of town this summer and so it was just going to be me and Hanji....well....until Christmas.

And before we knew it the bell rang....and that's when miche came up to us.

He was smiling "I'll gladly go with you nanaba"

Nanaba was in a surprised expression before smiling "ok!, I'll give you the details in class today"

He nods "sounds good, see you then"

After he left nanaba looks at us smiling and me Hanji were happy for her, Hanji got up and gave her a hug while I said good job.

Hanji held her hands "you're still coming to my place right? After you get ready and everything"

Nanaba nods "of course!"

I give Hanji a quick hug "I'll see you tonight"

She smiles "sounds good!"

We both went our separate ways...for once I'm really looking forward to tonight.

The time had come and I was at home getting ready, I had plenty of really nice tuxedos to wear for tonight, now the annoying hair.

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