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Hanjis POV

After I finished my long shift at the club I drove to Levi's house, I wonder how it went with them.

When I arrived I knocked on the door, Levi wasn't the one who answered the door but a guy who had brown hair and had it in a ponytail.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Eh? I'm ashes mother"

His eyes widened "oh! You're here to pick him up" he smiled.

I nod "yeah....where's Levi?" He didn't tell me other people lived here too.

"Oi Eren go get ash and his things" I heard Levi say as the guy immediately nodded and walked away.

Levi walked up to me "I didn't know other people lived with you"

He sighs "they are kids, they got kicked out of their homes so I took them in, don't worry I trust them with my life they mean no harm"

I nod "if you say so"

The kid named Eren came back holding ash who was asleep and the bag of toys.

"Here you go ma'am" he smiled handing me ash and the bag.

I smile "thank you"

Eren walked away and Levi sighed "ash had fun, everyone played with him to the point he passed out from exhaustion"

I looked at ash as he cuddled into my neck smiling, I simply smiled and looked at Levi "I may have treated you too harshly Levi-"

"Don't apologize"

"Eh?" I was surprised from his response.

"Look Hanji I don't want an apology from shouldn't be the one apologizing"

I sighed "Levi I said some harsh things yesterday-"

"And I needed to hear them....everything you said yesterday was true and im sorry I brought you so much pain..."

I pat his shoulder "I'll move on from it....for now I think we should reconnect as friends"

His eyes widened "you're willing to give me another chance?"

I nodded "so far I think you deserve another chance...."

"Thank you hanji...."

I smile "no problem"

Levi looked at his watch "it's getting late, you should probably head home for ash"

I looked at my phone "ah jeez! It is late, thank you again levi and I'll see you again tomorrow?"

He nods "sure"

I smile "bye Levi!"

He waves at me as I get ash all buckled up and got into the car and left.

I smile to myself maybe being friends with Levi again will help us both....

Levi's POV

I watched her drive off and I sighed walking back inside.

Eren and the others looked at me "so are you going to tell us how you know Hanji?" Eren asked.

I tch "it's none of your damn business"

I brush past them and they kept looking at me....bunch of nosy kids.

I went into my room and sat on my bed sighing....I should be lucky she still wants to be friends with me....but why do I feel like this is a bad idea.

Of course this is a bad idea....if Kenny finds out who knows what he's gonna do to her....I don't care if he harms me but I can't risk Hanji or her family getting hurt too....

I clenched my fists....I'll protect her...I'll do anything to make sure she's safe....once kenny is out of the picture then she'll be safe....

I won't loose her....not again.

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