Stealing from an Outside Mall is not Always the Best Plan

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There was one bad thing about not being at Kubo's anymore.

It's as the fact that they had no place to go back. The abandoned building they were camping out in had irreversible damage due to a villain attack while they were away. So they were stuck on the bus until any of them could find another place.

They even tried to get back to Twice's apartment only to see crime scene tape at the entrance with three police cars along with several sidekicks and other smaller ranked heroes gathered around the street and area. It wasn't safe to go back there until it was clear of the attention of the heroes and the police.

Which meant they were all technically homeless.

"I wouldn't call this homeless," Toga commented as they waited for their devices to charge. It was a bright day in the park and they were using any free charging port near the picnic tables for their use. "I would call it more like living in a van."

"Van living? Hell yeah," Twice said, leaning back against the park bench. The others were crowded around the same picnic tables with their faces covered by either tucking their faces into their hoodies or having disposable face masks over their features. Kurogiri chose to stay in the van since he was the most recognizable and harder to hide.

"That's isn't what van living is," Spinner spoke up, fanning himself with his hand. It was a rare moment where he wasn't in his Stain-inspired costume and showing off his bare face without a mask. "Especially when you are forced to sleep near eight people."

"Hey, this beats sleeping in the alleyway so I'm not complaining. But I will set fire to your toes, Spinner, if you don't stop pushing on my seat in the middle of the night."

"I get bad nightmares, dude," Spinner defended himself with a shrug. Midori nodded along with him in solidarity, a lot of his bad dreams turned into nightmares quickly.

"Do you need anything to help with that? Like..." Magne's voice came from behind all of them. They all turned to see their older sister figure holding up a duct-taped box over her head. "White noise?!"

Midori raised an eyebrow at the machine, "When did you steal a white noise machine?"

"I just got it a few minutes ago," Magne said, tilting her head towards the entrance of the park. "I went walking around and picked it up near a trashcan. It might be broken."

"Wow. Good for you," Dabi remarked with a dry tone, shifting inside his rain jacket that was zipped all the way up. His eyes peeked out from underneath the hood with staples threatening to shine in the sun.

Toga grinned, "Well, let's plug it into one of the port things, and let's see if it will work tonight. We could all live in luxury inside our van."

"Enough of this," Shigaraki waved them off. "We need to formulate a plan on how we can get supplies."

"We either need money or we need to find somewhere to take what we need. So stealing money or stealing stuff," Spinner said. "Either way, we need to steal."

"I know! We can steal from one of those really popular malls in disguise," Toga suggested with a wide grin. "That way, there would be so many people that no one would notice."

"Let's look at the pros and cons of that plan," Spinner waved his hands in the air to get everyone's attention. "Pros: there are a lot of people so they might not be able to point us out directly since it's so crowded. Cons: there are a lot of people who might recognize us right away."

"Life is all about taking chances," Magne held a hand to her chest while she spoke softly.

Her soft voice was interrupted by a harsh cough from Dabi, "No need to get poetic on us."

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