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After dumping the doctor, he thought he would be immediately followed by the police. But thankfully, it looks like the action stunned the sidekick so badly that she didn't think to call him in with the vehicle description of anything. He wasn't even being followed by the infamous traffic hero or any police cars.

But he was still careful as he drove the car through the streets in order to get back to the last place the van was parked. If they didn't arrive within a day, he would go out again to hunt down their location in the forest.

The radio was blasting a pop song at full volume while he drove past the other cars on the road, abiding by the laws to not draw any amount of attention towards himself.

Midori was driving for an hour until he finally reached the area he had last parked the van. He hurriedly parked the car as far away as he could since he knew the vehicle would be reported as stolen as soon as the hospital worker noticed.

The night was dark with almost zero lighting in the street apart from the moonlight shining down on the road. Midori walked towards the building he recognized even at night from the street art decorating the brick wall.

He climbed the fire escape to get to the roof as quickly as he could.

With the van in his sight, he rushed towards the vehicle with relief filling his chest. The sight of the rundown van was almost enough to bring tears to his eyes from the lousy week he spent imprisoned in the doctor's lair.

Breath caught in his chest, Midori fan straight towards the back doors. Even if they were locked, he was getting inside one way or another. Yet, the doors swung open with no trouble or hesitance.

And there waiting for him was a smaller pile of food, trash scattered on the floor, and Magne with her bandage covered arms holding his crowbar over her head.

"Midori?" Magne asked, dropping the crowbar in her hands with a grin.

Midori hopped into the back of the van with his own relieved grin, "Big Sis!"

"Jeez, kid," Magne greeted, wrapping the young teen into a long embrace. She didn't pull away from the hug but instead patted Midori's back. "Are you alright? Did that old doctor do anything to you? Tell your sister and I'll kill him just for you."

"He might have tried. And we don't have to worry about him anymore," Midori answered, finally pulling away slightly from Magne's comforting hold. "I took care of it. How is everyone?"

"They're busy fighting that stupid giant bodyguard," Magne replied. She walked further into the van and collapsed into one of the seats. "God, we noticed as soon as the Doctor warped is that you weren't there with us. Shigaraki wanted to go back, but  Kurogiri said he couldn't go against orders," Magne rolled her eyes then sighed in frustration, "We should have come sooner to find you, but—"

"Was it the giant?"

"Yes!" Magne shouted. She ran her hands over her face, dragging down her cheeks. "Midori, you will not believe how big this old bodyguard is! The only time we can rest is when that giant falls asleep for like only six hours."

"That sounds terrible," Midori replied. He glanced down at Magne's arms that were bandaged with what looked like some material from the clothes they had stolen. "Did the giant cause that?"

Magne moved both of her arms a bit to showcase just how far they reached up. "Yeah, the others decided for me to rest up a bit more to recover.

"How did it get like that?"

"This past week, our strategy went from fighting to using my quirk to get everyone to Kurogiri so he can warp us away from him. It doesn't even work that well since that guy just follows us. Then I just get slammed into something while trying to make all the guys go towards Toga," Magne sighed, slumping forward in her seat. "That's why I'm resting up so I can use my quirk to our advantage as soon as we get back."

How Deku Became a Glorified Chauffeur for the League of Villains Where stories live. Discover now