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So there they were. Walking down a street in LA. Suddenly a mob of fans came running toward them. Not for 5sos but for Emma and Jocelyn. Emma and Jocelyn were way more involved with their fans then 5sos. Also t3d had more fans then 5sos. The boys continued walking while Emma and Jocelyn spent hours until all of the fans had what they wanted. Luke texted Emma....
*Hey when your done meet us at the tour bus*
It's was about 5:00 which meant the girls made their way to the tour bus for another one of their concerts. Before the concert they made a YouTube video on t3d and 5 seconds of summer to say they were going on tour together. T3d's video went viral within minutes. Everyone was talking about it. 5sos soon got so many calls for interviews and concerts with Emma and Jocelyn.
"Well, I guess you can say you made us famous."-Luke
"More famous then you were yes!"-Jocelyn
"You guys were famous before us."-Emma
"Yeah but not 20 million people famous!"-Calum
The guys played their concert, but this time Emma played close attention to when Luke would look and smile at her. She knew the lyrics, the time, everything and reported to her secret spy, Cheyenne. Emma had Cheyenne check social media constantly, Emma told her everything Luke did, and a whole lot of other things. Cheyenne told Emma she thinks Luke likes her but Emma doesn't like him. She thinks of them as just friends. Cheyenne constantly teases Emma about Luke when they text. She knows Jocelyn likes him so she stays away from "relationship starters" as she calls it. When the concert ended, they went back to the tour bus, and collapsed on their beds to go to sleep because tomorrow was going to be record breaking.

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