The Dinner

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They went to a a special dinner that night. You could only sit two to a table. So Cheyenne and Calum, Kayleigh and Ash, Jasmine and Michael, Jocelyn and Hayes, and Luke and Emma had to sit together. Luke tried to make some small talk.
"This is a very fancy restaurant."-Luke
"I guess.."-Emma
"I can't believe you are only eating mac-n-cheese and mash potatoes."-Luke
"I'm a picky eater. This is the only thing I could eat from the menu."-Emma
"Haha, so how is the 'girl tour bus' going?"-Luke
"It's okay but not as fun as the 'boy tour bus'."-Emma
That's when Calum leaned over and whispered 'hashtag?' Emma held up one finger. This is the first time since the incident that Emma has not held up a 2.
"I'm going to go use the restroom."-Luke
Luke got up,confiscated Michael, Calum, and Ashton, and went to the 'restroom' aka the back stage room.
"Excuse me, everyone, but we are going to play a couple songs today dedicated to my fine friend over here, Emma. Lets do this guys!"-Luke
They played Daylight, Amnesia, Wherever You Are, Beside You, and End Up Here. During the whole mini concert Luke looked right at Emma. At the end of the concert Luke came up to Emma.
"Look, Emma, I was a jerk and I'm really sorry. And I know you are probably not going to forgive me but take this."-Luke
Luke handed Emma a small box with a heart locket inside. Inside of the locket was a picture of Emma and Luke together.
"Awe, Luke, this is so sweet. You didn't have to do this but thank you so much. I know you are very sorry so that's why I'm going to say this....."-Emma
Emma wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss. Luke pulled her in closer and whispered in her ear.
"I love you."-Luke
Emma returned the favor.
"I love you too, Luke."-Emma

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