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After the concert was over Luke never said anything else to Emma. Emma ran straight for Cheyenne after the concert.
"OHMYGOD, Cheyenne you'll never guess what happened. Luke asked me out, but I had to go on stage because it was time. So I don't know what to say to him help!"-Emma
"SAY YES!"-Cheyenne
"But here is the bad thing. One Jocelyn likes him so I don't want to upset her. Two I don't want to be just labeled as "Luke's gf" I want people to know me for me you know?"-Emma
"Don't care about Jocelyn! I mean she great and all but remember Luke asked you not her. And you are way more popular than Luke. If anything he will be labeled as "Emma's bf". Can you just say yes already."-Cheyenne
"Good points. Is Luke upset that I didn't answer?"-Emma
And that's when she told her. Everything. About Luke and Calum's talk. About after Luke asked her out. Everything.
"Oh my gosh! I feel so bad now. I've been treating him as if we were just friends! I didn't know. I'm going to go talk to Jocelyn and see if she is ok with me saying yes."-Emma
Emma walked around trying to find Jocelyn and avoiding the guys. Finally she found her.
"Jocie! I have to tell you something,"-Emma
"I have to tell you something also but you go first."-Jocelyn
"So Luke asked me out, and I was wondering if it was ok for me to say yes."-Emma
"Well, I was going to say that I just got together with Hayes Grier so you can have him."-Jocelyn
"Wait your dating Hayes?!? Ohmygosh I'm so happy for you!"-Emma
"Now go say yes to Luke!"-Jocelyn
Emma ran back to the dressing room and Luke was sitting there. This was the perfect time for Emma to talk to him.
"Hey Luke can I talk to you for a minute?"-Emma
"About earlier. When you asked me out."-Emma
"So is that a yes?"-Luke
Emma just nodded and hugged Luke. They were both happy about starting a new relationship. How would things go from there? Will they ever break up? Will things just be awkward?

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