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That's when it happened. Luke went in for a kiss. Emma was so shocked. She wasn't ready. She had kissed others before and even went on dates, but she had her heart broken so many times she didn't want this just to be another one.
"I'm sorry, Luke. I can't do this."-Emma
She ran as far away from Luke as possible, which was the tour bus.
"Emma, wait!"-Luke
Luke slumped down on a bench in the park.
"Dude, what happened?"-Calum
"I went in for a kiss, I scared her away."-Luke
"What did you do to her?"-Cheyenne
"I tried to kiss her, and she said she wasn't ready and ran away."-Luke
"Look, Luke, you didn't do anything wrong. You just didn't know. Emma has loved people before and they just broke her heart after the first kiss. She didn't want to be broken again. I'm going to go check on her, you just stay here."-Cheyenne
"Oh no, I feel terrible! I do like her, a lot, and I would never break her heart."-Luke
"I know you wouldn't, buddy, but she doesn't know that. She thinks your like everybody else but you got to show her you are different and that you care."-Calum
"But how?"-Luke
"Your sweet enough to figure that out on your own."-Calum
When Cheyenne got to the tour bus, Emma was in a little ball in the very back corner.
"Hey, Emma are you okay?"-Cheyenne
"I wasn't ready, Cheyenne, I wasn't ready to love someone again."-Emma
"I know and I talked with Luke and he said that he would never break your heart but he doesn't know how to show it to you."-Cheyenne
"That's what they all say. I've taught myself not to fall for someone like this but I just couldn't do it. I fell for Luke and now he's going to break my heart."-Emma
Cheyenne tried to make Emma feel better but she just couldn't handle it. Calum made Luke go on to the tour bus to make Emma feel better.
"Um, uh, Emma? I need to tell you something."-Luke
No response.
"Look, Emma, I will never break your heart, I was afraid you would break my heart. I can't stay away from you for this long. I need you in my life. Will you please forgive me?"-Luke
When Emma didn't answer Luke started to tear up. Emma saw this and doesn't like people to be upset so she started to talk.
"Luke, you don't have to cry over me. I'm the one who fell for you. I have fallen for others before and they turned around to break my heart. I wasn't sure if you would be one of them. But now I see you are different. No one has ever cried over me before. It shows that you care. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."-Emma
Luke slowly looked up at Emma and gave her a big hug. Everyone else left the room so it was just them. Luke slowly pulled back from the hug but then got pulled back together. Now it was the time. The real thing. And it happened. They kissed.

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