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The next day was what the guys called an "interview day". Basically they go from place to place doing all the interviews they can before then end of the day. There was so much to talk about this time because Emma and Jocelyn were touring with them now. The first interview went like this:
"So we have the 5sos guys here with us today but we also have some more guests. Emma and Jocelyn from t3d are here to tell us about touring with the guys. So how does it feel going on tour?"-Interviewer
"It seems as if just yesterday we were just some teenagers making videos at our houses. We never thought that we would get this big and we are very thankful that the 5sos guys took us in."-Emma
"Yeah, we started are YouTube channel when we were about 13 and today we have over 8 million subscribers. We just did it for fun and never thought it would go anywhere but it went way farther than we expected. And we get to hang out with the 5sos guys so that's pretty cool!"-Jocelyn
"*chuckle* So we hear you guys have been working on an album."-Interviewer
"Yeah we decided that if we're going on tour, why not have something to play? We never really wrote songs before ,we just did covers, but Emma's an amazing song writer and with the help of coffee , our song writer, we've managed to write a whole album. We hope to start recording it and get it out by the end of August!"-Jocelyn
"Well guys, how's it like having girls on you bus?"-Interviewer
"It's nice! The make food for us, clean up after us, make us feel better when we are down, there pretty much like our tour bus mothers."-Ashton
They asked a whole bunch of more questions and then it was off to the next interview. They did about 16 total interviews that day each one lasting about a hour or less. Today Emma noticed that Luke would stare at Emma and Jocelyn the entire interview. Jocelyn didn't think much of it but Emma didn't understand it.
Does Luke like Emma? Or Jocelyn? What will happen next?

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