Even More Tears

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Luke tried everything to try and get Emma back but nothing worked.
"Hey Emma I'm sorry I was a complete jerk. Will you please forgive me?"-Luke
No answer. Emma hasn't talked to Luke since that day. They would continue doing concerts and Emma would still song with them but she never really talked to Luke. Since their wasn't even space on the tour bus, the girls got their own bus but since Calum was now scared of Luke he stayed on the girl bus. Hayes can't go with them on tour because he has his own life but Jocelyn still FaceTimes him everyday. Emma convinced the guys to let Cheyenne, Jasmine, and Kayleigh go on the girl bus also. One day Luke just broke down and cried.
"I'm never going to get her back! I'm a terrible person!"-Luke
Ashton and Michael saw this and tried to calm him down.
"Luke, listen, yes your a terrible person but if you really want to get her back, uh, try doing something from your heart. Try to impress her."-Michael
"Like what?"-Luke
"I can't tell you what your heart wants! You'll think of something if you really like her."-Ashton
Luke knew exactly what to do. And he was going to do it at dinner.
Meanwhile, everyone else had to come up with a system for Emma to show how she is feeling with a code that everyone knew except Luke. If she was sad she would hold up a 2. If she was happy she would hold up a 1. If she was feeling anything else that would be a 3. Calum would constantly ask her 'hashtag?' since the number sign ,#, is also a hashtag and Emma would hold up the amount of fingers she was feeling at the moment. Everyone swore not to tell Luke but not everyone followed this promise. Luke told Michael his plan for the night so he had to tell him:
"If you do that, you have to make sure she is happy."-Michael
"But how am I supposed to know. She won't talk to me and she can't show emotions."-Luke
"Okay, I'm supposed to tell you this but, if someone asked her 'hashtag' and she holds up a 1 it means she's happy. Anything other than that is not good."-Michael
"Wait what is that supposed to mean?"-Luke
"Got to go. I have to go talk to someone...."-Michael
Michael ran to the back of the bus and FaceTimed Calum from the other bus. He told him what Like was going to do but not the part about him telling him about the secret code. Michael also told Ashton but Michael didn't tell any of they girls because he was afraid they might tell Emma. They were going to a private restaurant that night for dinner so it would just be them. And you could only sit two to a table. But that wasn't even the half of it.

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