Luke's POV:Part 3

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Okay so, it is kinda like amazing to have two girls on the tour bus with us. Even though they are younger than us they are like our moms on the tour bus. Did I mention they make delicious food! Oh it is so amazing. Why do they have to be amazing at everything? I mean they get up way earlier than us and stay up way later than us. I don't know how they do it.
So there we were, walking down the street in Los Angles. Apparently, Emma and Jocelyn have been here before and a swarm of fans came up to us. They weren't here for us guys, they were here for the girls. Me and the guys kept walking to the recording studio but Emma and Jocelyn stayed there for at least 5 hours. They wouldn't leave until every fan had what they wanted. I attempt, I was a little jealous that they came for them and not us. I mean it is our tour, why didn't they come up to us? Anyway we headed to the recording studio and record some songs without them. It was about 5:00 so I texted Emma telling her to meet us at the tour bus for the concert. In like 10 minutes they were there waiting for us. We did our concert but I noticed that Emma was staring at me a lot. Like I would look back at her and she would stand there smiling at me. I wonder if she knows?
So today was interview day and it took way longer than usual for each interview. Barley anyone asked us questions and when they did Ashton was the only one talking. Emma and Jocelyn had the most questions. They did seem really sweet about it though. Like the interviewer would ask them about us and they would only say nice things about us. I assume they have had a lot of interviews in the past but they were really good about not giving too much information, not saying things to offend anyone, not getting bad press. They were amazing. That's why I stared at them like the entire interview.
The next day we were in NYC and Calum called me to come for a walk and talk with him. I am not going into much detail but what happened was Calum talked me into asking Emma out that night at the concert. I didn't want to do it but he forced me to. I was too scared that she would say no. The worst thing happened after that. Cheyenne, one of Emma's friends, heard our conversation. I told her I was asking out Emma and I told her not to talk, or help out with it. I didn't want her to expect anything. We walked to the dressing room and they all said their hellos and Emma and Jocelyn sing their entire album. I have to say it was pretty amazing. Way better than our first album. Anyway it was time for the show to start and I was so scared. What if she said no? I guess here goes nothing...

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