Save Them

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Luke and Emma ran toward the noise of someone crying to find that it was Jocelyn crying.
"Omg! Jocie, what happened?"-Emma
"Here I have his number let me call him!"-Luke
"Hey, Hayes, buddy, WHY DID YOU BREAK UP WITH JOCELYN?!?.....oh uh yea well that's a terrible reason! She is so sweet and kind and you can't just throw that away. Get back here and apologize to her!"-Luke
"Thank you so much but what if he doesn't apologize. I will look like a desperate weirdo!"-Jocelyn
"He will or I will beat him up."-Luke
"Don't do that! He will absolutely hate me if you do. Just be calm, please."-Jocelyn
"Fine, but if he hurts you again it's not going to be pretty!"-Luke
Hayes took the bus to where they were at and ran over to Luke, Jocelyn, and Emma.
"Oh my gosh, Jocie, I am so sorry, Precious. Please forgive me!"-Hayes
"No! You broke up with me and you are never getting me back! Nash asked me out already so why don't you go talk to your brother about it."-Jocelyn
Hayes ran away crying.
"You are really going out with Nash now?"-Emma
"Yea that's what I was trying to tell you!"-Jocelyn
"It still counts as mission accomplished right?"-Luke
Suddenly, they heard yet another cry.
"To the tear drops!"-Luke and Emma
And they ran to the next person in peril.

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