The Date

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This was the first official date Emma and Luke were going on. Everyone else going has had at least one date already. Luke was super nervous for this date. You can never get first date back. The guys were trying to calm him down.

"It's okay. You will be fine."-Ashton

"No! It has to be perfect!"-Luke

"Luke, it will be perfect. She will be blown away."-Calum

"No she won't! This is terrible!"-Luke

"Luke, calm down. We all did our first dates yesterday and we did fine. And you are way better with the 'ladies' than us."-Michael

"I just want to make her happy."-Luke

"We know, and you will make her happy. Just be yourself. You'll be perfectly fine."-Calum

"Are you sure?"-Luke

"YES!"-Ashton, Calum, and Michael

Meanwhile with Emma and the girls....

"OHMYGOSH! I am freaking out! Do I look okay? Is my hair fine?"-Emma

"You look beautiful."-Cheyenne

"No I don't. Your just saying that to make me feel better."-Emma

"You look gorgeous. Luke will love it!"-Kayleigh

"No he won't because I look terrible."-Emma

"Emma, calm down. You look amazing, and Luke will love you. We did our first dates yesterday and we did fine and you are way more better with the guys than we are."-Jasmine

Jocelyn and Hayes met up with everyone else at the park. When Luke saw Emma his jaw dropped. When Emma looked at Luke, Emma instantly bit her lip. They were walking and talking when Luke spotted a playground. No one was on it so he ran over to it. He called Emma over.

"Come on, Emma!"-Luke

When Emma ran over Luke was climbing up on top of the playground.

"Luke, what if a little kid wants to play?"-Emma

"Then they will have to wait."-Luke

Emma laughed and they played around on the playground for awhile until it was time for them to go back to the bus.

"I had a great time today."-Luke

"Me, too."-Emma

And that's when it happened. It was finally here. The time.

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