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It was concert time. Cheyenne had a vip pass to watch it from backstage. Emma and Jocelyn were waiting in the wings until it was their turn to perform. Luke always got the most nervous before a concert but today he was freaking out because he had to ask out "her". Emma tried to comfort him. She didn't like anyone to be upset.
"Hey, Lukey, are you ok?"-Emma
"Uh..yeah... just...nervous....."-Luke
"You'll be fine. You always do an amazing performance on stage."-Emma
Luke just nodded and walked away. He wasn't scared of the performance. He was scared about "her". Sooner or later it was time for t3d to take the stage.
"And now, welcome the newest editions to ,hi or hey recording studios, Emma and Jocelyn from t3d!"-Ashton
They waved as they came on stage and everyone was scream their names. It was magnificent.
"Hey, everyone, we are going to start out with a couple songs together then we'll be on our own. This is a little song called Best Friends."-Emma
So they made it half way through the concert and it was time for break. It was only 5 minutes so they had very little time. They we sitting in the dressing room eating when Luke was about to ask out "her" but here comes the director shouting for Emma and Jocelyn to get on stage. Luke had to act fast. He ran after them sprinting down the hallway and finally caught up to them.
"Emma, I need to tell you something."-Luke
"Sure but make it quick."-Emma
"I've liked you for some while now, and your really nice and, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?"-Luke
Just then it was time for her to go on stage.
"Got to go. I'll talk to you later."-Emma
Emma and Jocelyn ran to the stage and started their performance. Luke sadly walked back to the dressing room without an answer.
"How'd it go?"-Calum
"She had to go on stage. I asked her but she didn't give me an answer."-Luke
"Aww Luke I'm sorry."-Ashton
All the guys gave Luke a hug when Cheyenne ran in.
"Luke, did she say anything? Oh.. aw Luke did she say no? Because I will give her a good talking to if she did."-Cheyenne
"She didn't say anything! She had to go on stage..."-Luke
So there was Luke, sad without a girlfriend, and then there was Emma, confused and speechless. What will Emma do? Will Jocelyn fight back? Will Luke ever get and answer?

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