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The last person, Kayleigh, was crying in the bathroom. Emma had to go check on her.
"Um, hey, Kayleigh? Are you okay? What happened?!"-Emma
"Ashton is a jerk!"-Kayleigh
"What did he do?!"-Emma
"He tries to control my life and I'm sick of it!"-Kayleigh
"Calm down, calm down. It's ok. I will make Luke go talk to him. Let me text him."-Emma
*Hey can you talk to Ashton for me! Kayleigh broke up with him and I need you to make him apologize. Thx bb! <3*-Emma
"Hey, Ash, what did you do to Kayleigh?"-Luke
"I tried to protect her and she freaked out and broke up with me!"-Ashton
"Look, the thing about women is they are always right so you need to apologize to her."-Luke
"But it wasn't my fault!"-Ashton
"It doesn't matter! If she said something, she is always right."-Luke
"Fine let me go talk to her."-Ashton
Ashton and Luke walked over to the girl tour bus and called for Emma to come out with Kayleigh. They walked out the door.
"Kayleigh, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to protect you!"-Ashton
"It's ok Ashton. I forgive you!"-Kayleigh
They hugged and made up. Luke and Emma had saved yet another couple from breaking up. They have been through highs and lows together but what could happen next?

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