Chapter 3

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Junkyu clap his hands in excitement when he watch Haruto was cooking a steak for them. He can't wait to dig those while drooling over the smell and the hissed sound from the pan whenever Haruto pressed the meat against the heat pan. Haruto look at Junkyu through his corner eyes then slightly shook his head with a smiles.

He does really resemble her

Haruto quickly shrugged his sudden thought away then told Junkyu to ready their plate.

"okay bos !" Junkyu gesture his hand on his head and walk toward the cabinet to take out two plates along with fork and stainless together. Because of his clumsiness, he almost broke a plate. With panic eyes, he gaze at Haruto who was boiling the sauce for them. He cleared his throat as it was nothing happen then continue on preparing their plate on the dinner table.

"should I make some orange juice for us ?" suggest Junkyu while Haruto place those steak on the plate neatly. "no. I ready a wine for us to drink" he replied without looking at Junkyu. The younger scratched his neck then nodded. "wine ? I never taste any alcohol before" he mumbled. He was half excited because he will try an alcohol for a first time.

Haruto take a seat opposite of Junkyu after setting up their dinner then pour a wine for Junkyu. "thank you"

"suit yourself" Haruto gesture at their dinner with his eyes and Junkyu replied with a grin "thank you for the dinner ! I will eat well !"

It's funny right, how a vampire and a dhampirs eat a dinner just like a normal human. That's why, human hard to recognize them in this society. They live exactly like a human and not to mention about their appearance, everything looks normal just like a person.

Usually, in every vampire tales, this creature always hiding from the sun and living inside the dark cave and only get out at the night time to hunt.

Junkyu was addicted to the bitter and sour taste of wine. He keep asking for more but Haruto refused to give him more. He puff his cheek in annoyed. "Ya ! ahjushi !! you're being stingy."

"what just you called me ?" Haruto asked in disbelief. He can't accept it. He hate it so much when someone call him an ahjushi.

"ahjushi ?" Junkyu tilt his head to the right. Haruto took a deep breath then close his eyes before he speak "okay, I admit I'm older than you but I don't like it when you call me ahjushi. Just call me hyung okay ?"

"okay, I will call you hyung if you pour another wine for me" Junkyu raised his left eye brows while handing his empty glass to Haruto then the older sighed softly. In defeated, he just let the younger to finish a bottle of wine with him just watching the new adult enjoying his first taste of alcohol. "you might lost control if you drink too much so, don't ever drink by yourself. Are you listening to me Kim Junkyu ??"

"you're talking too much just like my grandma" Junkyu said with an annoyed face after he gulped a glass of his last wine. Once again, Haruto took a deep breath "it's okay ruto. He just a kid and he's probably drunk now"

He raised Junkyu's chin with his index finger then lean closer. Junkyu shocked and his heart was beating so fast as he can feel Haruto's breath on his cheek. "go to sleep" Haruto mumbled with the same method he did 14 years ago to little Junkyu and just like that, Junkyu fall asleep. He lift up the younger just like a bridal style then bring him to the second floor where the guest room was.

The next day, Junkyu waved at Jihoon as soon as he step his feet inside the Uni building. A few minutes ago, he was going to Uni together with Haruto and had a breakfast at the nearest cafe then he have to stop at the bus stop because they don't want to be seen together at his second day of Uni life. "here, I bought a latte for you" Junkyu hand the coffee to Jihoon who already in front of him.

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