Chapter 8

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At the funeral home, with everyone wearing black outfit and sobbing over a death. Junkyu there holding a piece of paper. He blankly stare at the wall. He feels very mad and sad at the same time.

Sara ajumma, their neighbor wipe her tears and come and patted his shoulder. She couldn't say any word toward the younger. All she can saw on Junkyu's eyes was heavy. She sighed and start to pray for his grandparents soul.

Haruto and Yeonjun just come and saw Jihoon who was sitting alone at the bench. Without any doubt, they approach him "where is Junkyu ?" Haruto asked. Jihoon raised his head up and meet with the two males.

"at the room 4" he replied shortly. There's a lot of questions inside his mind. Why these two male bother to visit Junkyu's. He shrugged and keep on silent. He can't imagine if he's in Junkyu position. Losing both his parents and now his grandparents. The fact that, his father and both of his grandparents died after got devoured by a group of werewolves. He suddenly feels something stuck in his throat. A tears on his cheek he quickly wipe with the back of his hand.

Junkyu ya... you're strong

Haruto sighed when he saw Junkyu alone inside the room against his back at the wall. Yeonjun glance at Haruto and step inside the room followed by Haruto from behind. The younger just blankly stare at them who about to pray for the soul.

Finished praying, Yeonjun excuse himself leaving Haruto and Junkyu alone. He know, they need to talk about something so he choose to talk and have a lunch with Jihoon.

"Sunbae, life is scary isn't it ?" Jihoon suddenly speak while playing with the rice. Yeonjun gulped down his food and think for a while "Such like ?"

"We didn't know when our death time to come and the most painful is when people surrounded us who pass away in unexpected way. Like, we didn't expect this to come. Junkyu... he's so strong... I can't imagine if I were him.." he chocked and start to cry. Yeonjun sighed silently and put down his spoon for him to take a tissue and hand it to Jihoon "I understand what do you mean. That's why, we should cherish and appreciate our time together with people with love." Yeonjun smiles softly.

Yeonjun understand it so much how it's feel. He live for almost century and all thing he witness was someone dying. Sometime, being an immortal is not a really good thing. The pain they have to endure everytime they see people dying. That's why, they don't get attached too much with human. It's hurt.

While in the room alone together, Junkyu bite his inner bottom lips "No wonder they are not at the bakery last night" he mumbled, gripping his own fist with a trembling lips. Haruto sighed and pulled him closer for a hug "If you want to cry, just cry. Don't hold it." he care the younger hair gently.

"I can't take this anymore.. I hate them.. I need to kill them.." Junkyu's voice crack and start to cry inside Haruto's embrace. It's hard to breathe as his chest are hurting him. He tighten his grip on Haruto's arm while shutting tight his eyes letting all his tears stream down his face.

Never know a strong kid who used to hold his tears whenever something like this to happened finally broke down like this. The vampire male could just stay silent and let the younger to emit everything.

Junkyu is getting exhausted for crying too much and let his head drop down on Haruto's shoulder. All Haruto can do is to rubbed his arm with his thumb to calm the younger down. Hearing the younger sobbing, sound very pitiful and miserable make his heart swell as well.

A week after his grandparents death, Sara ajumma come to visit Junkyu while bringing a box of Kimchi that she made last night. Junkyu who was packing up a thing inside this old house smile softly before he greet the woman.

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