Chapter 19

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"For what I sense from the place last night, they are around five wolfs." Haruto speak broking their silent in front of their lunch tray. They was eating inside the funeral home with the other old people who also losing their beloved one.

Jihoon munch quietly and just stare at his foods. He doesn't know what to reply. Junkyu cleared his throat "is it the same pack that murdered my family ?"

Haruto shook his head "it's different pack this time. Soobin told me, he asked the witness, she doesn't watch everything from beginning. She just found the bodies lifeless on the road."

Junkyu sighed then drink his soju "anyway-" he froze as he can sense an enemy. Same goes with Haruto. They both exchange look. Haruto put down his spoon and take out his phone from his pocket.

"Soobin ya.. have you found them ?"

"Me, yeonjun, yoshi, doyoung and lisa was here in the forest. They are here, those were wolves. I don't know what are they planning but don't worry. Just take care of Junkyu. We will settle this by ourself"

"Alright" Haruto confused but he didn't ask any further. He excuse himself and Junkyu hold his hand before he could take a step "where you going ?"

"To check. I don't want something unwanted happen. So please take a look at Jihoon" Haruto half whispered and Jihoon finally realized there was something wrong.

"what happened ?" Jihoon asked gazing up at his best friend. Junkyu pressed his lips then smile "nothing"

"Don't lie to me. Werewolves are around here right ?" he asked trying to get up from his seat then Junkyu couldn't think about anything then hold Jihoon's hand for a while.

Jihoon blink in confused after Junkyu erased his memory a little. "You want some drink ?" Junkyu offered to him acting like there's nothing happen. The latter who still confused just nodded and took a seat again. Thought he still questioning himself, when and why he stand up just now ?

Haruto looking around and took a deep breath for him to sense the enemy. It's getting near so he keep walking until he saw a tan skin male with a girl who praying in front of Hyunsuk's funeral. He try to approach them slowly till his eyes glowed into a red ruby.

"Dare to come here after you killed him ?" Haruto growl before he try to attack them but the girl, Ryujin quickly pushed him away "we're here not to fight" she try to explain while the vampire already fall on the floor. The girl quiet strong he thought. Alpha girl indeed.

Haruto twitching his brows and stand up properly. It's kinda embarrassing but glad there's no one or any human around them. "Then, what do you guys want ? the dhampir kid ? before you could catch him, make sure to kill me first"

Jeongwoo sighed and approach him, they look into each other eyes "we're here to protect him. Where is he ?" the wolf guy try to take peek looking for Junkyu behind Haruto.

"hah ?" Haruto asked in confusion. A wolfs try to protect Junkyu ? What kind of joke is this ? he thought then grab Jeongwoo's collar "I won't fall for your trick and I'm not that stupid" Haruto gritted his teeth.

"Relax. I won't touch him so please take a look at him. I already set a trap to the other packs. I told them I found the dhampir kid and they are on their way to the forest because I told them, he was hiding there."  Jeongwoo try to explained but Haruto still didn't buy it and drag the wolf guy to the nearest window.

"What's your point ? you set a trap on another packs so you can own the dhampir kid by your own right ?" Haruto asked intensely looking at Jeongwoo. Ryujin bite her bottom lips and smack Haruto's head "Why don't you believe in us ?!" she asked pulling Jeongwoo into her arm. "he's still hurt after getting tortured by our lord so he can't fight. What our point is, we want you or the other vampire to work with us. Just for today. We want to get rid those highest rank werewolves for our own freedom. We don't need the dhampir kid. I was talking the truth so please..." she plead in the end.

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