Chapter 13

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A week after what happened at the basement, he staring outside through the hospital window witnessing the blue sky and sometimes he saw a group of birds flying. With a bandage around his head, a needle on his left hand, he still refused to meet his best friend.

Jihoon still shocked and couldn't believe what just happened to them a few days ago. It's feel like a nightmare he thought. A nurse coming inside while bringing a medicine flashing a smile toward him.

"You awake Mr Park ?" the nurse asked as she pour a glass of drink for Jihoon. "I'm awake an hour ago" he replied while receiving the glass from the nurse's hand. The nurse nodded before she hand a medicine for him which he hesitately accept. He's tired of eating medicine every hours and every day even though he completely fine now.

"Doctor Lee said, in three days Mr Park can discharge from hospital." the nurse inform before she left the room quietly.

Half of Jihoon is happy but half of him still scared. What should he do if he happened to encounter with Junkyu or Haruto ?? after he found out the two are not ordinary human, he's scared to meet them. He sighed and change his gaze to the other side. He believe, Junkyu is not that kind of Vampire who will kill human as he should but, accepting the fact that his best friend all these time was not human are still shocking and sad at the same time.

He heard a knock from his door and he speak "come in"

A small male flashing a sweet smile while showing a bag plastic of porridge and some fruits. A smile grew on Jihoon face as he saw his crush come his way to the hospital just to bring a foods for him. He feel better. It's not the first time the male visit him, but since he got into hospital, the male keep visiting him every morning or evening.

"Hyunsuk hyung..." he overwhelmed by the older.

"How's your feeling today ?" Hyunsuk asked as soon as he sat on the empty chair which was provide next to the bed.

"Much better I think ? more better after I see you hyung" he grinned got a slapped on his arm "ouch hyung ! this is how you treat a sick patient ??"

"anyway hyung... how's the bakery ?" Jihoon changed the topic while gazing at the older who busy preparing a food for him to eat. "Don't worry. I have my two assistant taking care of my bakery" he replied before he take Jihoon's hand to hold the spoon.

Jihoon nodded then shoved a spoon of porridge inside his mouth.

"hyung..." Jihoon called as soon as he finished his food. He gulped down a glass of water gazing at Hyunsuk who cutting an apple for him.

"What will you do if you found someone that you really close relationship with is not a human ?" Jihoon asked carefully.

Hyunsuk glance at the wall then shift to the ceiling before he answer "As long as he didn't harm me, I'm okay with it"

Jihoon silent with the answered while fidgeting hard his fingers. He bowed his head down as he close tight his eyes. Should he let Junkyu to talk with him ? thress days ago, Junkyu visited him but he quickly cover his own self inside his hospital's blanket, avoiding to meet with his best friend.

Of course, Junkyu was hurt that time but he understand the situation then just leave afterward.

"anyway, why you asking ?" Hyunsuk asked after he finished cutting apple and peach for Jihoon.

"Just wonder." Jihoon awkwardly smile then took a bite of the peach along with apple. Hyunsuk just nodded without asking any further.

"Eat some too hyung..." Jihoon offered then hand a cut of apple to Hyunsuk. The older giggled "thanks"

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