Chapter 4

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They all got shook...there were beautiful modern housed, shopping malls, restaurants, parks and basically everything that was on earth. But...the difference was that... all these places were situated on CLOUDS! Yeah you saw it right. All the people were flying instead of walking.

Jungkook got more jungshook when he saw a dog talking to a cow!

Suddenly...a question raised in his mind. '' I mean Mr.M, can you also fly?'' Jungkook asked being extremely curious.

''Yeah I can.'' Mr.M said without looking at Jungkook.

''Well...I guess he is not that bad. He is cold and rude, but not heartless.'' Jimin whispered to the other two.

''And why makes you think that?'' Yuha asked.

''Why did he walk with us, when he can just fly? Instead of showing us that he can fly to prove that we aren't on Earth, he decided to show us this beautiful view! He is not bad guyss.'' Jimin replied.

''Hmm...if we think about it, then...he is not an evil person.'' Yuha said.

''Maybe...'' Jungkook said.

''But I don't understand why he is so rude to us.'' Jimin said and Yuha agreed.

''Stop it guys...there must be a reason for his cold behaviour. You guys don't even know him.'' Jungkook said suddenly. Although he didn't really know why he said that...maybe he felt bad for Mr.M...who knows { except the author ;) }.

''Jungkook? YAH JUNGKOOK!!'' Yuha shouted.

''...huh?...yeah what happened?'' Jungkook asked and Yuha looked at him in total disbelief.

''I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes straight and you ask me what happened!?'' she said...more like scolded.

'' three...come with me. The King and Queen wish to meet you.'' Mr.M said.

''Okay...we're coming.'' the three of them replied.


The four of them reached the hall where the royals were seated and bowed towards them.

''You highness...these three kids, Jimin, Young Hee and Jungkook are from planet earth and they have absolutely no idea how all this happened.'' Mr.M said.

''First of all, how many times do I need to tell you to call me Jongin and her Eunha!? are a part of our family, you don't need to show such formalities.''

''Uh...okay...''Mr.M said and it looked as if he had a small smile on his face, but, of course it couldn't be seen due to the mask he was wearing.

M said and it looked as if he had a small smile on his face, but, of course it couldn't be seen due to the mask he was wearing

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- King of Utopia

-known for his kindness

- BFFs - Baekhyun from Omunia

                Chanyeol from Sundae

-has the power of illusion

-has the power of illusion

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- queen of Utopia

-known for her generosity

-has the power of fixing things

'' are we supposed to send these three back to their planet?'' Mr.M.

''Uh huh...there is a serious problem here and we need your help.'' Kai said seriously.

''And...these three aren't the only ones who came from Earth...'' Uha said slowly.

''What...what do you mean?'' Mr.M asked.


End of Chapter 4

Who do you think are the others?

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