Chapter 23

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'' let's start?'' Solar asked while looking at Jennie who looked quite unsure.

''Why do I have to do this again?'' Jennie asked as Moon pushed her a little while smiling.

''Just do'll know soon.'' Jungkook said.

''You guys are weird.'' Jennie said while grabbing the broom by her magic.

''No magic. You've to do it on your own. You alone are enough right? Or do you need some people to help you?'' Mr.M asked.

''Of course I am enough. I don't need anyone.'' Jennie said as she started cleaning.

'' it done?'' Jennie asked while sitting on the couch.

''Nope...we still have to make the bed, clean the windows, wash the dishes, clean the clothes, hang them, fold them and keep them in place and much more!'' Jimin said.

''WHAT THE HELL!'' Jennie shouted in frustration.

Finally, after 10 hours she was done cleaning half of the place. Obviously it would take a lot of time since the castle is large.

'''s done right? RIGHT?'' Jennie asked.

''Uh...nope. You still have to clean the garden area.'' Soobin said while smiling.

''Don't smile at my struggles.'' Jennie warned Soobin, who immediately shut his mouth.

After a lot of struggle and whines, Jennie had completed her task. She was tired as hell. She didn't imagine that it would be so hard to do such work.

''Tomorrow, we all will be doing what you've done.'' Jungkook said as Jennie nodded.

''It will be fun watching ya'll suffer.'' Jennie said and laughed.

''We'll see about that.'' Solar said.


''Good morning guys!'' Jungkook shouted as everyone just cooed at the cute bunny boy.

''Good morning Kook-ah.'' Mr.M said.

''Opening up huh?'' Jungkook said as Mr.M just laughed while shaking his head.

''So...from where do we start?'' Soobin asked.

''Let's begin by making the bed.'' Yoongi said and the others agreed.

Solar pulled out the sheets while Jimin went to bring a clean one. Then they held it together and covered the mattress neatly and lastly the pillows were put by Yuha.

''First job's done. Let's clean the floor next?'' Yuha suggested and the others agreed.

Moon went and brought four brooms. One for herself, one for Mr.M, one for Yoongi and the last one for Yuha. The other four people had the duty of removing whatever stuff came in between the cleaning group's way. The cleaning was completed within an hour.

Jennie was shocked to see that none of them looked even a bit tired. Instead they all were smiling and laughing while doing their job.

Their next job was cooking food.

That's where the entire fun lies.

Asking eight people to cook while only two of them actually know how to prepare food that's edible. The rest six didn't know a single thing about cooking. Let's see what happens when they try to cook.

''Ah! The kitchen's gonna burn! This thing is going round and round!'' Jungkook shouted.

''Jungkook. That's a microwave and it turns round. It's normal.'' Yoongi said, as he tried to calm the freaking boy down.

GAME ON! - Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now