Chapter 21

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''Gah!'' Yuha shouted as a cat suddenly jumped out of nowhere. A group of kittens followed the cat.

''I hate animals!!'' Yuha said as she tried to walk away. While walking, she accidently hit a small kitten. She looked down at the kitten and literally uwued at the cute creature.

''Oh my...little one...are you alright? I'm sorry I didn't see you.'' Yuha said as she held the kitten in her hands and softly stroked her.

''Why in the world did I dislike such cute creatures?'' Yuha thought to herself as the kittens suddenly disappeared.


''So that's what happened.'' Yuha completed while Solar looked at her in disbelief.

''That was your worst nightmare?''

''Hey! Don't judge me like that. I'm just not so fond of animals.''


''Where am I?'' Yoongi thought to himself as he looked around.


Yoongi turned around but didn't find anyone.

''Who's here?''

''No one. I'm just a voice for you. But I order you to bow down to me.''

''And why in the world will I do that?''

''Or else I'll kill this boy.'' The voice said and suddenly an image of a scared Jimin running away from spiders came up.

''Oh shit. He's damn scared of spiders. He'll soon get a panic attack or something.'' Yoongi whispered to himself.

''Looks like you know him pretty well huh?'' The voice said bringing Yoongi out of his trance.

''Just shut up and leave him!''

''And why should I do that. Look boy, all I ask is for you to bow down to me and I'll leave him alone.''

''Ugh. What should I do. As much as I don't want to do it, he'll probably kill Jimin.''

''No. I can't let my ego ruin someone's life.'' Yoongi thought.

''Fine. Here you go.'' Yoongi said as he bowed down and the laughing voice suddenly faded.

''Jimin! Are you fine?'' Yoongi asked while getting up and running towards a heavily breathing Jimin.

''That...was damn scary. I was scared to death.'' Jimin said while trying to regain his breathing.

''It's gone now. Don't worry.'' Yoongi calmed him down.

''Thanks a lot for helping me out today. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't save me.'' Jimin thanked him.

''No. You don't have to thank me. Instead I need to say sorry for always behaving so rudely with you.'' Yoongi said, feeling guilty for hurting this innocent soul.

''Oh it's alright.''

On the other side-

''Hello! Is anybody here?'' Mr.M asked as he walked on further and further but the path didn't seem to end.

''Where even am I.'' Mr.M said and sighed. Suddenly he heard a faint sound. He turned in the direction to see a little kid.

The little kid was playing on a swing when a group of children came and pushed him down.

''That's what you deserve you devil.'' The children said and laughed while looking at the crying child.

''Like father like child. You are a bad luck. That's why everyone left you.'' a woman said while pulling her kid away from the kid.

''What wrong did I do to deserve a kid like you. I don't need you anymore.'' the kid's mom yelled while pulling him harshly.

''No!'' the boy cried but it was of no use.

Mr.M watched it emotionless. He had seen this before. No. Not seen. LIVED this before. Tears rolled down his pretty eyes as clear flashbacks of everything came in his mind.

He couldn't hold it anymore. He shouted while holding his head with his hands.

''Oi who's shouti-Mr.M!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?'' Jungkook said while appearing out of nowhere. He went near Mr.M but Mr.M pushed him away.

''Go away. Go away like everyone else did. I don't deserve love. I'm a curse.'' Mr.M shouted.

''Do you even hear yourself right now? What nonsense are you speaking?'' Jungkook asked.

''It's the truth. They said it themselves.''


''The people.''

''What are you saying? It's nothing like that. I don't know who these people are but I know one thing for sure. And that's that they're wrong. No one's a curse. Not even the worst villain. Especially not you. It doesn't matter what the others say. Self opinion is the only thing that matters. If you love yourself then no one can do anything wrong with you. The beginning of everything is trusting in yourself.''

''You deserve every good thing in this world. I know you might seem cold and arrogant from outside. Even I thought the same at the beginning. But after staying this long with you, I've known that you're far from being rude and arrogant. You're a soft little boy who loves playing with animals. You like taking care of everyone. Specially the ones that you love.''

''You put your entire efforts in whatever you do. You know how to appreciate others efforts and feelings. You know how to respect someone and their decision. King, queen, Suho hyung, Grandma, Rose, and all of us love you. We all care for you. So never think that you're alone or no one loves you. Because that would be a white lie.''

''Believing in yourself is the first key of happiness. I don't know what happened in your past that made you like this. But I've told you this before and I'm still telling you that not everyone you love will leave you. You're special in your own way.''

''If you feel comfortable enough with me then can you tell me what actually happened?'' Jungkook asked as Mr.M looked at him with tears in his eyes.

''It's fine if you don't want to. Just don't cry please. I can't see tears in your eyes. And that too, tears of sadness.'' Jungkook said.

''I'll tell you.''

''I actually don't belong to this planet. I mean I do...but not entirely. My dad belonged to this planet. He was one of the amazing people I knew. He had a mission on earth...and so he went there. He met a woman there. They fell in love with each other. My mom knew the real identity of my dad. They married each other after dating for nearly 2 years and had me a year later or so.''

''My family used to be a happy family. I was loved by my parents. But as we say...good things don't last long. One night, my dad suddenly disappeared. We searched for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. A few days later I found out that my mom had an affair with some other man. I still loved her because after all she was the only person I had. But what I didn't know was that...''


Heyo everybody!

Howz life going on?

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