Chapter 16

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''A-ah Jeon...leave me...otherwise I'm gonna die.'' Mr.M spoke up, squashed in the hug.

Jungkook loosed his grip.

''Can we stay like this for a while please?'' Jungkook asked.




''You know...the way you spoke to hyung's lover's parents was just like a scene out of a film. The way you said each and every word with so sincerity made me emotional. Your future wife must be so lucky to have a treasure like you...'' Jungkook said slowly, still hugging the boy.

''I'm not a treasure...just waste of time.'' Mr.M said showing no emotions.

Jungkook pulled out of the hug and looked straight into Mr.M's eyes.

''You can be anything but definitely not a waste of time. I don't know what made you like this but please don't think so low of yourself. You can share anything with me. I know you're not comfortable with me...but if you ever feel like talking then remember I'm always here for you.'' Jungkook said with a slight smile. You could see the honesty in his eyes.

''Guys!!! What are you both still doing here huh. Come... we need to prepare a lot for the wedding!'' Jimin said excited and Jungkook chuckled and nodded.

He took a last glance at Mr.M and then left. While Mr.M was still sitting there, looking at the disappearing figure of Jungkook.

''You don't know why I'm like this. I'm scared. I'm scared because I'm feeling something which I shouldn't. I'm not at all uncomfortable with you Jungkook. If I was then I wouldn't even have looked at you or talked for once. It's just that my past is still haunting me. It's stopping me from everything.'' Mr.M whispered to himself with tears brimming in his eyes. 

But, the tears never came out. Maybe he didn't want them to. After all, as everyone says...only weak people cry. Don't know who started this idea that a person who cries is weak. The wonders that this world holds is difficult to understand...and so are the people. They love making their own lives difficult by overthinking about useless things.

The next morning came quite early than expected. The Loveland was decorated with flowers and balloons. After all, it was the king's marriage. The castle was more busy than usual. People could be seen running here and there, some carrying flowers, some balloons, some food and some were instructing the workers where to put which object. Jimin, Yuha and Solar became the hairstylist of the groom for the day. Yoongi, Moon and Soobin were checking all the lights and decorations. Mr.M went to check on the other groom...who was not at all in the mood to stay calm.

''Am I looking handsome? Isn't the makeup a bit too much? Is the suit okay? Or should I have just worn the grey one? Where in the world are my shoes? This hairstyle looks as if I'm a pirate who has come here to steal the beauty. Well, Jin sure is a beauty but I'M NOT A PIRATE.'' the groom went on blabbering.

Meanwhile, Mr.M was looking at the man in utter disbelief.

''Namjoon Hyung this is the 10th time you changed your style and clothes! Calm down a bit.''

''How am I supposed to do that...AH I feel like I'm gonna die.'' Namjoon said seriously and Mr.M just looked at him with the 'are you serious right now' face. Suddenly the door opened revealing a beautifully dressed up Jungkook.

''Ah hyung...what's wrong with your hair.'' Jungkook asked looking at the pirate hair weirdly.

''Please help me...Jungkook. I don't know what to do.'' Namjoon looked at him with his puppy eyes and Jungkook chuckled.

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