Chapter 11

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They turned around to see...

Jungkook caught in a net and was struggling to get out of it.

''Uh...guys, a little help please.'' Jungkook requested with an embarrassed smile. The others laughed and went to help him...but what they saw behind Jungkook caught them all completely off guard. There, behind the bushes was a long thin bridge that connected them to the other side.

''The bridge!'' Solar exclaimed.

''HEY help me first!'' Jungkook pleaded and everyone turned their attention back to the struggling boy. They somehow managed to remove the net from around Jungkook.

''How did you even end up like this?'' Moon asked.

'' see...I just wanted to walk around and unintentionally discovered the bridge. I wanted to tell ya'll but I tripped over something and fell and somehow got myself stuck.'' Jungkook explained.

''Tsk...idiot.'' Mr.M mumbled.

''YOU!'' Jungkook shouted.

''Not again.'' Jimin facepalmed.

Then, they all headed towards the bridge with a sulky Jungkook. It was a long bridge of ropes and wood that leads to god knows where.

They all stepped in, one by one.

''OMYGOD HOW HIGH IS THIS SKNFR-'' Soobin shouted while looking down.

''DO NOT LOOK DOWN...I REPEAT...DO NOT LOOK DOWN.'' Jungkook shouted.

''WE WEREN'T GOING TO ANYWAYS.'' Jimin shouted back.

''When are they planning to stop shouting!?'' Moon mumbled.

''That's not gonna happen anytime soon.'' Yuha mumbled back.

Finally, after a lot of shouting, they reached the end of the bridge.

''Guys...what are we supposed to do now?'' Suga asked.

''Let's look for the stone.'' Soobin said.

They all were searching for the whereabouts of the stone when they heard a loud thud. They turned to see a fallen Jungkook looking at a cave.


''I'm sorry I accidentally slipped on a rock and then THIS happened.'' Jungkook said.

''Somehow your falling always gets us to our destination.'' Mr.M said. Then, they all went inside. It was quite dark.

''Should we on our torch lights?'' Solar asked.

''I don't think that's a good idea. Caves are known to be the home of bats...specially the dark ones. You dare not mess with them. They're really dangerous when they get angry. Try to be as quiet as possible.'' Soobin said, his voice almost coming out as a whisper.


Jimin slipped lightly on a big rock.


That was the only sound that echoed.

The walked...and walked...AND walked.

''Ugh...I'm tired. When will this cave end?'' Moon asked while sitting on a big rock.

''Hey, what's this button for?'' Jimin asked.

''HEY! DON'T PRESS IT. IT MIGHT BE DANGEROUS.'' Suga shouted...but it was too late as Jimin had already pressed the button.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking and all of them closed their eyes...waiting for something to happen. Moments passed, but nothing happened. After a while they opened their eyes to see a bright blue diamond in front of them.

''We got the 1st stone!'' Jungkook exclaimed and did a little victory dance. Everyone smiled at his cuteness. Mr.M took the stone and kept it safely in his bag.

They found a note on the ground. Soobin took it and read. It said -




hope ya'll enjoyed the chapter. I know the chapters are quite short and it's bcuz I had already written quarter of this story in my book half a year ago. After one or two more chapters, the chapters will be little longer.

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