Chapter 18

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The next morning came quite earlier than expected. They were all getting ready.

You might ask where they are going?

They're all going to the nearby market to enjoy and then see the famous 'Lily lake'.

A huge crowd could be seen in the market area. There were all different kinds of shops. Men, women and children crowded the place. Children were running here and there, making lots of noise.

''Why are we even here?'' Yoongi asked, clearly not happy with the noisy environment.

''For your challenge...remember?'' Jisoo said.

''You have to stay here at least till 5, and must not get angry.'' Jisoo warned.

''5!? It's only 7 in the morning for god's sake.'' Yuha sighed.

They all had no other choice but to go on further. They nearly bumped into at least 20 people. They were walking and walking until they heard a noise.

It was as if someone's crying.

The noise was coming from behind a wooden drum. They all went to check on what's happening.

There was a little girl, about 7 years old, crying. Her hair and clothes were a complete mess.

''What's wrong little one?'' Jimin asked slowly, not wanting to scare the crying child.

'' mumma...'' The little girl said slowly between her hiccups.

''First stop crying.'' Yoongi ordered, making more tears come out of the poor girl's eyes.

''You are scaring her!'' Solar said.

''I-I'm sorry...shh please don't cry.'' Yoongi said, trying to sound as soft as possible.

''What's your name kid?'' Yuha asked.

''S-Sofia...'' the girl replied.

''Wow...that's a really nice name. Now, would you please tell us why you are crying?'' Yoongi asked softly making the others shook.

''I've never seen him THIS soft towards someone.'' Jungkook whispered.

''That little girl sure is different then.'' Jimin whispered back.

''Shut up both of you.'' Mr.M said and the two immediately zipped their mouths.

''I lost my mumma...'' the girl said, trying to control her tears.

''Now now, don't cry please. You are strong right? We will help you...okay? Let's find your mumma together. What do you say?'' Yuha asked and the girl looked at her with hopeful eyes.

''Will you really help me?'' Sofia asked and the others nodded.

''LET'S GET IT!'' Jungkook shouted and the search for Sofia's mother began.

It was nearly 3 now. They tried searching everywhere, but it was of no use.

''I'm hungry...'' Sofia said slowly while holding her tummy. It was a cute sight for everyone.

''Yeah me too. Let's take a short break and find a restaurant to eat.'' Moon said.

Currently they were sitting near a small maggie shop.

''Welcome dear. What would you like to have?'' The old woman asked with a sweet smile. They all gave their respective orders.

Suddenly, a worried woman burst into the shop.

''Hello Mrs. Chui. Have you seen my daughter anywhere? She is 7 and her name is Sofia.''

''Mumma!!'' Sofia shouted and ran towards her mother who looked shocked and happy to find her daughter.

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