Chapter 2

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"Do you want us to stay?", Nancy held Faith's face in her hands.

"No mom, I will be fine", Faith smiled sweetly and hugged her mother who was already in tears.

"If anything happens, if you need us, we are just a call away okay sweetheart but I'm sure you will be completely fine", Doug joined in too.

"I am really proud of you okay and I know you will do an amazing job here. Just be careful, don't let the haters get to you and never let them pull you down alright", Nancy hugged her daughter tightly before she let her go.

"Yes mom don't worry", Faith smiled and hugged her back.

Faith said her goodbyes and finally stood in her apartment all alone. It was kind of hitting her that she is now officially away from her family which was making her a little anxious.

Instead of dwelling on her intrusive thoughts, she decided to check her emails and pick out an outfit for her first day tomorrow.

As the company she was going to start working in was a startup, the boss who was actually in his thirties did inform her that there wasn't a dress code and she could even come in her sweatpants if she liked.

Yet she decided to make a good first impression.
She decided to wear blue jeans, a white shirt and a black sweater on top. She also decided to wear her lesbian flag pin to let others know about herself.

Her boss had assured her that the company was lgbtqia+ friendly and infact had other queer people working there too which made her feel excited as this was going to be the first time she would ever mingle with her kind of people.

She decided to eat a simple bowl of ramen for dinner as she was too nervous to eat a proper meal. She prepared her overnight nutella oats and decided to sleep early so she could get an early start for her day.

Faith stood outside her office for almost five minutes before she picked up the courage to enter.

She entered and almost everyone looked at her which immediately made her nervous. All of them were in their little cubicles looking at the fresh meat.

"Welcome sweetheart, let me introduce you to everyone", Faith's boss Max came out of his office and stood next to her.

Max was roughly 5'11 with red hair and red beard and brown eyes. He wore a denim shirt with black jeans and white sneakers. He walked with confidence and ease and the whole office was attentive after he arrived.

"Everyone, this is Faith Langston. She is our newest junior accountant and I want everyone to make her feel comfortable and welcome", Max announced to the room as Faith stood next to him feeling extremely uncomfortable.

It felt like at any moment her coworkers would start singing happy birthday just to make the moment a little more embarrassing.

"Why don't you come in to my office, I will give you a brief about your work and then Blake will show you to your desk", Max looked at Faith cheerfully and then looked around for Blake.

Faith followed Max to his office, while smiling awkwardly at her coworkers who smiled back at her which kind of helped her relax her nerves.

After sitting with Max for almost an hour and understanding her work, Faith got out of his office and immediately bumped into a girl which made her lose her balance.

"Are you blind?", the girl spoke rudely but softly as to not to put attention on them.

"I am sorry, I did not see you there", Faith replied back softly, a little hurt at her comment.

"I guess I have to show you to your desk", the girl spoke casually and started walking.

"Oh so you're Blake. Hi I am...", Faith was interrupted by the girl as she extended her hand to shake hands with her.

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