Chapter 3

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Faith went into the break room to eat her lunch but saw that it was filled with people.

She immediately became anxious and decided to back away slowly but some guy in the room with green hair shouted her name and asked her to come sit at the table next to him.

"Heyyy I am Jackson, you can call me Jack", the guy chirped as she walked towards him.

Jackson introduced her to everyone in the room until he was interrupted by a very cheerful Erica who jumped on him from behind and then proceeded to kiss him.

"Oh so you guys are in a relationship?", Faith asked, a little confused as she saw this cheerful Erica.

"Yes he is my boyfriend", Erica replied and put her hands on his arm.

"You seem like you are in a better mood right now", Faith joked.

"Oh yeah, everyone's really cranky in the mornings, so avoid talking to people in the morning. Even Max doesn't keep any early meetings", Jackson replied.

"So you're a proud lesbian huh?", Erica asked as she pointed at her pin.

"Yes I am. Max told me there are other queer people in the office too, made me feel comfortable so that's why I wore it", Faith smiled.

"Yeah there are. Infact your desk mate Blake, is bisexual", Erica spoke.

Faith suddenly felt those butterflies again. Blake liked girls too. So she had a shot but then immediately removed those thoughts, she was mean to her and made her cry.

"What's the deal with her? Is she only rude in the mornings or that's just how she is?", Faith asked.

"Oh she is a lovely person, just takes a little time to open up to people", Jackson replied.

"She is a bitch if you're new in her life but she would die for you if you are in her circle", Erica replied.

As Erica replied, Blake entered the break room and sat down with another group of people. She seemed to blend in really well and laughed loudly as she talked to them.

Faith couldn't help but stare at her. She looked extremely beautiful and this was the first time she saw her laughing.

"So you crushing on her just because we told you she's bi?", Erica laughed.

"I am not crushing on her. She's rude", Faith replied immediately, her cheeks turning red.

"Yeah okay. So why are you red?", Erica laughed again and Faith just covered her cheeks and smiled.

Faith felt really comfortable in the office after her lunch break. There were barely 25 coworkers in her office and all of them did come up and introduce themselves to her. Some of them spoke about her being a lesbian, others didn't even point it out. The sense of acceptance that she felt from her peers was what she craved all her life.

Faith worked continuously without any major distractions. She kept wondering if Blake would initiate a conversation now that she isn't cranky anymore but Blake worked quietly.

The day was over and everyone was packing up.

"Hey guys, let's go to a bar tonight. We should help Faith settle in what do you say?", Jackson announced before everyone left.

Faith was surprised by the hooting and the yes's that went around.

She had never felt happier and couldn't believe that this was the first time she was going to a bar with people her age.

All of them walked together to a nearby bar that was just half a mile away. Everyone seemed to be interested in chatting with Faith and made her feel like she was welcomed in this company.

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