Chapter 9

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After what seemed like ages, Blake finally stopped crying but she didn't leave Faith's touch.

Faith sat there quietly, her heart racing. A million questions running through her head. She honestly wanted to kill the person who did this to her.

"Have you eaten anything? Lunch, dinner, anything?, Faith asked.

Blake finally stopped hugging her but still sat on her lap, facing her.

Faith started to get angry and sad at the same time. She gently touched her cheek and Blake flinched.

She then gently carried her again, her legs wrapped around her waist, still looking at her and made her sit on the kitchen counter.

She removed an ice pack from the fridge and slowly placed it on her cheek which made her flinch again.

"It's going to hurt for sometime but it will bring the swelling down", Faith spoke softly.

Blake closed her eyes and kept squinting whenever the icepack touched her face. After sometime she felt a little relief and the ice pack started to feel good.

"You sit here, let me just cook something for you. You look very weak", Faith placed her hand on her other cheek.

The whole time Faith couldn't wrap her head around the situation in front of her.

Who harmed her like this? Since when has this been going on?

Faith decided to make baked spaghetti as it was the easiest thing to do right now because she wanted to just hold Blake.

She put all the ingredients in a large pan and threw it in the oven for it to bake.

She then stood in front of Blake and started noticing the injuries which really made her angry but she didn't want to push her for anything so she decided not to ask her until she is comfortable to tell her.

"Can we hug again and can you not let me go please?", Blake whispered.
Faith immediately hugged her tightly and Blake took a deep breath as she hugged her back.

The little child in Blake started to relax and feel comfortable as she was wrapped up in the hug.

Faith wanted to cry as she kept thinking about the things that she went through all alone but controlled herself really well because she did not want to make her feel uncomfortable.

They kept hugging each other until the oven beeped. Faith looked at Blake for her approval and Blake nodded.

Faith then removed the pan and mixed everything up and served it on two plates and placed it in front of her couch.

She then carried Blake to the couch and gave her the plate. Blake waited for sometime for the spaghetti to cool down and once it did, she almost shoved everything into her mouth.

She hadn't had any proper meals and this was the first time she was eating a warm and filling dinner in ages.

Faith completely lost her appetite and her heart broke for her. She couldn't help herself anymore and a tear escaped her eye.

Blake noticed and her gaze immediately dropped down.

"I'm sorry. I am just very angry right now at whoever did this to you. I'm sorry", Faith spoke and wiped away her tears.

Faith put her plate back on the table and took the plate from Blake's hand and started feeding her slowly.

She couldn't remember the last time someone fed her so lovingly, so she weeped as Faith kept feeding her.

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