Chapter 13

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"I mean are we? I don't think anyone asked anyone out", Faith started scratching her chin as she tried to think what was happening.

"So you will just ask any random girl to come into your home and take care of her like the way you did for me?", Blake asked now slightly annoyed.

"I mean not any random girl but if my friend is in trouble then I would help her", Faith answered innocently.

"So we are just friends?", Blake stood in front of her and crossed her arms, "So 'friends' hold you so close that you don't feel safe anywhere else other than their arms? 'Friends' treat you like a fucking queen even after all the disrespect they go through? 'Friends' make you cum so hard that you see the light of heaven?"

Faith stood there speechless. She did not know what to say.

"Okay, so friend, how about I leave you alone and let you think about it?", Blake was now angry and sad and turned around to walk out of her room.

Faith immediately moved and held her wrist stopping her in her tracks. She gently turned her around and could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Blake I'm sorry. I was scared, scared of losing you and you walking away if I ever told you how I felt about you", Faith's eyes were wide, which reflected her fear.

"Yeah you were kind of mean to me but I couldn't ever hate you. And seeing you, at my doorstep with those scars", Faith paused and took a deep breath as she remembered that day, "I was just. I don't know. I was done that day. Done hiding from my feelings, the thought of you not coming over and something actually happening to you kept giving me anxiety", Faith's voice cracked.

"Faith, please don't cry", Blake whispered as she began to cry too.

"I have always loved you, I just never accepted it", Faith sniffled.

"Love?!", Blake exclaimed.

"Yeah. Love. I don't think I have ever been in love but I am guessing this is what it feels like", Faith smiled and wiped her tears, "When I decided that you would be staying with me I promised myself to never cross that line of friendship. I took care of you because I was in love with you and I don't expect anything in return and I created that line just so that you could be comfortable".

"I don't know what to say", Blake muttered.

"It's okay. You don't have to say that you love me too. I am fine with that. I will be fine if we don't ever get into a relationship and we are always friends. I just want to be there for you, even if you can't be there for me", Faith smiled through her tears.

Blake stood there too stunned to speak. She thought that love like this existed in movies and sappy books but it was happening, in real life, with her.

Blake stepped in front of her and got on her toes and kissed her passionately.
Faith put her arms around her waist and savoured  the moment.

"So basically YOU were in a relationship and it took me sometime to catch up", Blake chuckled, a little breathless.

"Kind of like that, yeah. I don't know how to do this relationship thing so I just did what I am good at", Faith smiled innocently.

"So why did you call me your friend?", Blake lightly punched Faith on her arm.

"I don't know. I was still confused, was still trying to make you feel comfortable", Faith scratched the back of her head.

"You still don't get it do you?", Blake laughed.

"Get what?", Faith was still confused.

"I need you too. I fucking love you too you dumb asshole", Blake put her arms around Faith's neck, "I need you to hold my hands and kiss me, I want others to know that I'm yours and you are mine.
I want to hold you and I want to fall asleep right next to you. I want to wake up every morning and look at your face while you're asleep and wonder how I got so lucky", Blake blurted out and kissed Faith on her cheek aggressively almost squishing her right cheek and tilting her glasses.

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