Chapter 12

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For the first time in these few days, Blake woke up before Faith. This was the first time she noticed what Faith looked like when she slept.

She kept staring at her and smiled softly. She looked at peace when she slept and her hair seemed to come onto her forehead, tickling her, making her feel uncomfortable.

Blake pushed away the hair from her forehead and gently kissed it.

She slowly got out of bed and started dressing up in front of the mirror. She noticed a few love bites on her chest and thighs and blushed as the memories of last night kept playing through her head.

She noticed that the blackness had almost disappeared from her cheek and there was just a scratch mark that was left behind.

Blake checked again to see if Faith was still alseep and walked downstairs and saw Nancy drinking something out of a cup.

"Ahh sweetheart, did you sleep well? Should I get you breakfast", Nancy got out of her chair and hugged Blake.

Blake smiled widely and nodded her head.

She sat at the breakfast counter in the kitchen and ate as Nancy continued to drink her coffee.

"If you don't mind me asking, and it's okay if you don't want to answer, why haven't you reported your mother to the authorities?", Nancy asked.

Blake got a little uncomfortable but she felt like she could talk to her about it, she felt like she would understand.

"She has always been a shitty mother, but there used to be days when she did hug me or love me or cook for me and I guess I am hoping that it might come back if I don't give up on her", Blake spoke.

Nancy didn't say anything. She smiled sweetly and decided not to comment on it.

"So what was Faith like when she was a child", Blake asked trying to avoid any more topics about her mother.

"Faith was and still is my favourite baby. She was a very cheerful girl and always was smiling and dancing around the house. She is one of the most patient person I know. She roams around wearing guy clothes and acts all tough but she is just a caring sweetheart. I'm sure you must've learned that about her", Nancy spoke proudly.

Blake smiled as she heard Nancy talk about Faith so proudly. She indeed was a caring sweetheart.

"I am sorry", Blake blurted out shocking herself and Nancy.

"Sorry? For what my dear?", Nancy asked.

"You know, I was mean to your daughter in the beginning", Blake spoke and started to look down.

Nancy gently picked up her face,
"You didn't mean to, you were going through your own things. Faith understood that and so did I", Nancy spoke sweetly.

Every sentence that she spoke made her feel warm like sunshine.

"What's a memory of Faith that always makes you smile?", Blake asked.

"Oh dear there are a lot of them but one that never fails to make me smile is when Faith was 2 years old, we took her to a waterpark. We made sure she was always wearing her floaties and we accompanied her to every little kiddy ride. Doug and I were standing next to Faith when she suddenly decided to jump into five feet deep water and started to swim away with the help of her floaties", Nancy spoke and took a deep breath as she recalled that memory.

Blake had her mouth wide open while she was listening to the story.

"Doug immediately jumped in and brought her out. But after sometime Faith did the same thing again. This time we let her swim on her own and she happily swam around in front of us", Nancy smiled, "My point is, that day I learned that Faith was going to be fearless and would achieve whatever she put her mind to and she has done that till now".

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