Chapter 4

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It had been a month since Faith moved to New York.

She had settled in well with her work, and her coworkers.

Blake had been completely quiet since that night, and both of them barely spoke to each other unless it was about work. Jackson, Erica and Faith were now really close friends and would hangout with each other every weekend.

Faith was like their unofficial adopted child and a really good third wheel.

Faith had gotten onto dating apps but other than a few conversations, she never went out on a date with any of the girls she spoke to.

But everything was fine, she trusted the process and was okay with being single. She now had friends and a good balance of social and work life.

Faith's crush on Blake had died down too due to the lack of communication. She sometimes wondered why she ever had a crush on her even though she was so mean to her.

Faith also learned that Blake was actually Erica's best friend and both of them did hangout a lot without Jackson and Faith.

Tonight, however, Jackson and Erica were out on a date and Faith had nothing to do for the first time ever since she came to New York.

She decided to cook dinner for herself and rewatch her comfort movies and turn in for the night.

The whole time, Faith seemed to feel happy and content with her life. She played music and cooked as she swayed in her kitchen. She always wanted to be this independent and even though sometimes her house felt too empty and she would crave to be with her family, she was happy that she finally moved out and decided to be on her own.

After eating her dinner and thinking about what to eat for dessert, her phone pinged.

She picked up her phone and her eyes couldn't believe the text she saw.

Blake Office: Hey!

Faith stared at the text for almost five minutes. Her heart started racing and she was extremely confused as to why out of all the people in the world, BLAKE texted her.

Faith then calmed herself down. It's Blake, she obviously is texting her because of some work related issue. Faith took a deep breath and replied back to her.

Faith: Hey...

Faith waited patiently for merely few seconds when Blake replied back.

Blake Office: what's up?

Faith looked at the text again really confused. What do you mean what's up?

Faith: nothing much. Watching marley and me. Wbu?

Blake Office: aww!! I like that movie.

Faith was extremely confused and was having a little difficulty to wrap her head around this conversation.

Faith: oh nice...

Blaked didn't reply after that. The chat suddenly died down. Faith kept waiting that now she might ask her the work related issue but there was complete silence from her side.

Faith: did you need something from me?

Blake Office: no. Can't I text you?

Faith stared at her phone. After sharing a maximum of 20 sentences with each other since the past month, she is coming upto her now just to casually chat?

Faith: I mean we barely speak in the office. Didn't think you would want to talk to me at home.

Blake Office: I do want to talk to you.

Faith: lol, doesn't seem like it.

Blake Office: yeah that's true. I don't like you very much.

Faith began to get a little angry. She was having a good day with herself and the office bitch decides to text her and make her life miserable even at home.

Faith tossed her phone onto the couch and continued to watch her movie. She didn't want to spend her energy on a person who constantly tried to make her feel bad.

Blake Office: but i dont get it...

Blake texted again and Faith couldn't help herself. She hated the fact that Blake didn't like her and there was this weird distance between them.

Faith: dont get what?

Blake Office: that why do I have this unnecessary hatred for you. You seem like a nice person. You gel in well with our coworkers. Everyone speaks nicely about you and you're hot too...

Faith's mouth dropped open. "You're hot too..."
She kept reading those words again and again to see if it was a joke. Faith decided to ignore everything.

Faith: did i do something to you? What did erica say to you that night?

Blake Office: idk. Just dont like u.

Faith: so is this why you texted me on a Saturday night? To tell me you don't like me? Now that you have conveyed your message, are you happy now?

Faith texted and felt a little hurt. She couldn't understand as to where this conversation was going.

Blake Office: nooo..i just wanted to ask if you want to hangout tomorrow?

Faith: i dont think i will be "hanging out" with a person who just told me that they don't like me.

Blake Office: i also told you that you are hot ;)

Faith wanted to smile after reading that text but she controlled herself.

Faith: dude are you hating on me or flirting with me?

Faith sent the text and immediately regretted sending it. She decided to unsend it but till then it was too late. Blake was already typing.

Blake Office: hahaha you're cute. Let's meet tomorrow. I will come over for lunch.

Faith: why do you want to come over? I didn't say yes to meeting you.

No response.

Faith: you don't even know my address and I'm not giving it to you...

No response.

Faith felt frustrated and let out a loud grunt before tossing her phone on the table.

She felt frustrated because she couldn't understand her emotions. On one side she felt angry at the way she spoke to her and telling her bluntly that she doesn't like her, on the other side she couldn't help but blush at the cute and hot comments.

Some girl as pretty as her, thought that she was cute.

She was lost in her thoughts when her phone started to ring.

She had a wide smile on her face when she saw the caller id and immediately picked up the phone.

"Theoooo I MISS YOUUU", Faith half screamed.

"I miss you too city girl. What's up?", Theo spoke.

"Dude you won't believe what just happened", Faith spoke and proceeded to tell him everything that happened today.

"Seems like she is trying to be friends", Theo said casually.

"Yeah but then why tell me that you don't like me and then tell me that I'm hot", Faith asked.

"Faith. Don't think so much. Just meet her. See what she has to say and then you will get all your answers", Theo replied.

"Yeah I'm not meeting her", Faith whispered.

"Yeah but you will", Theo whispered back.

Both of them spoke for some more time before they decided to hangup.

Faith sat quietly on the couch, a bittersweet feeling engulfing her. She missed her family a lot but was glad that she was still in touch with them.

She continued to watch her movie and fell asleep on the couch itself.

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