Chapter 19

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What is it about some people that no matter what happens they stay with you, as strong as a mountain.

People, negativity, jealousy, nothing seems to bother you anymore.

You start to feel safe, you feel comfortable. Your life starts depending on them yet you can still breathe in the relationship.

You fight, you argue, you get mad at each other but at the end of the day, you sleep in each other's arms, holding on to each other with the intention of never letting go.

Blake and Faith were deeply, madly in love with each other.

The best part was that both of them felt the same emotions for each other.

Blake had completely cut off her contact with her mother. Faith and Blake would visit Faith's family during holidays or for any type of celebration.

Everyone knew that this wasn't any ordinary, casual relationship, they were in it for the long haul and they were ready.

Five years had gone by since Faith first moved to New York. Since then both of them stayed in the same company which had now increased from 30 people to 300.

She was now a senior accountant and managed everything perfectly.

Blake and Faith were doing really well in their careers and for their social life, they still hung out once a month or two with their friends and the last time they did was a huge party as it was Erica and Jack's wedding.

Things seemed almost too perfect for the both of them. From outside they were just a simple couple who worked together and lived together and lived quite a monotonous life.

But only Blake and Faith could feel the magic between them everyday as both of them kept falling in love with each other every day.

Faith loved that no matter how sleepy Blake was she would still pull Faith closer to her when they slept.

Blake loved that Faith would keep making funny, really annoying nicknames for Blake.

Faith loved to see Blake sing and sway in the kitchen whenever she cooked and Blake loved to feed Faith whenever she would have child like tantrums for whatever she cooked.

Faith would take care of Blake if she ever fell sick and Blake would give the most special, intimate surprises to Faith on her birthdays.

It was a relationship that everyone longed for but no one wanted to work hard for.

After five years of staying together, from hating each other to loving each other, they had decided that it was time to get married. The only thing left was for someone to propose and start the process.

Blake wanted to propose intimately with no one around them and Faith wanted to do something huge something grand.

Both of them were thinking about different ways but at the end their destination was the same, they just wanted to live together for the rest of their lives.

Faith had finally thought of the perfect way to propose, a mix of both.

It was their anniversary and she wanted to do it on that day itself.

They already planned to have "special dinner plans" but Faith decided it was the perfect day for it.

In the evening both Faith and Blake got ready and left the house, Blake completely unaware of the surprise that she was about to receive.

"Umm, I went a little over the budget for this year's anniversary. So just be prepared", Faith smiled as she drove to the location.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you plan our anniversary. You always go over the budget", Blake turned towards her and crossed her arms.

Faith couldn't help herself and continued to smile.

They reached at their favourite restaurant and Blake looked confused.

"So this is your 'over the budget' plan?", Blake asked.

Faith grabbed her hand and entered the restaurant which was completely empty except the staff who stood smiling.

"What the hell is this?" Blake looked shocked.

"Today, it's going to be just the both of us here", Faith smiled and kissed her cheek.

The manager welcomed them warmly and made them sit in a table that was placed right in the center of the restaurant. The staff stood there smiling and without taking their orders served champagne and their first course.

"I ordered before so that you don't have to take hours to decide what you want to eat", Faith winked.

Blake hadn't stopped smiling since she entered. She knew that today she was going to leave the restaurant as an engaged woman.

Why would Faith book a whole restaurant just for their anniversary?

Both of them laughed and talked and ate endlessly. The restaurant crew couldn't help themselves but smile whenever they looked at these two women so deeply in love.

"Can we have the desserts please", Faith announced and Blake's heart began to race.

Their whole meal was done and people usually propose with the help of a cake.

Two slices of chocolate truffle cake arrived in front of them and both of them devoured it.

Faith went to speak to the manager before they left the restaurant and Blake's mood began to change.

She really thought that Faith would propose tonight and was a little bit disappointed when it didn't happen.

"What happened?", Faith asked Blake on the ride back home.

"Nothing, just ate way too much. Don't feel like talking", Blake replied casually and tried really hard to hide her disappointment.

Faith kept smiling and drove silently after that.

Both of them reached their home and Blake unlocked the door.

Blake half screamed when she saw her whole living room decorated with candles and flowers.

There were rose scented candles on the shelves, the kitchen counter, the side tables. There were petals of roses spread across the floor.

On the floor of roses, "Marry Me?" was spelled out using candles.

Blake turned around shocked and saw Faith sitting on one knee holding an open box which had a beautiful, shiny ring sitting in it.

"I never thought I would find someone in my life and then I met you. Since the first day I saw you, I knew you were going to be my soulmate but I also knew to stay in my limits and never aim so high. But life took a turn and right now I have the privilege to sit on one knee and propose to you. I want to be present for you, for better for worse and for everything in the middle", Faith spoke and Blake began to sob.

"So my Blakey Blake, will you marry...", Faith spoke but got interrupted as Blake jumped on her and hugged her crying.

"YESS!!! YES!!! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!", Blake screamed and cried and continued to hug Faith.

Faith gently lifted her face and kissed her and then placed the ring on her finger.

Blake's hands were shaking and she couldn't stop crying. Faith wept softly too, she could finally call her, her wife.

Both of them hugged each other for a really long time and then Blake got up and went to admire the decorations.

"Who did this?", Blake asked excitedly as she continued to wipe her tears.

"Jack and Erica", Faith replied simply, "I sent them home though. Wanted to spend some alone time with you just like you wanted and I also did my big grand gesture with the restaurant thing so 50-50" Faith smiled.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ENGAGED", Blake screamed.

"I can't believe you're going to be my wife", Faith smiled and held Blake's waist softly and pulled her towards her and kissed her deeply.

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