Chapter 7

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Faith woke up in her childhood bedroom, it felt unreal. She never thought she would miss a bed so much.

She got up and immediately checked her phone, there were few texts from Erica and Jackson and almost 10 work emails. It pinched her heart when she saw that there were no texts from Blake.

Faith replied to all of them in the bed and then decided to get out and spend time with her family.

Her mother had made pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast which she loved. She was tired of eating overnight oats every single day for breakfast.

Her brother and her father had gone for work and would join them in the evening so it was going to be a mother daughter day.

"So how's Blake?" Nancy asked as she sipped her coffee.

"Mom!!! I don't want to talk about it", Faith sighed.

"Why what happened?", Nancy asked.

Faith told her everything. She felt a little sad as she spoke about the day before when Blake cried and asked her not to give up on her.

"I know she has been mean to you but my heart aches for this child", Nancy commented.

"Why do you say that?", Faith asked curiously.

"Don't give up on me? It means someone did give up on her which has made her like this", Nancy assumed.

Faith did not say anything. She never thought about it. Why are people the way they are? What made them like that?

Faith tried really hard to understand the reasoning behind people's actions. It's what she has been doing since she was a child. How did she fail to notice or understand Blake's reasoning.

"She hasn't texted me since she left my apartment", Faith whispered.

"So you do it. I have always told you one thing sweetheart, never be mean to anyone. No matter how they behave with you, you should always be the bigger person and stay grounded in your beliefs", Nancy hugged Faith.

Faith felt comfortable in her mother's arms. It felt like she could leave all her stress now that she was in her mother's arms. She hugged her mother for some time and then got up and went back to her room.

Faith decided to take the first step and text Blake.

Faith: are you okay?

Blake Office: i am okay. How's it at home?

Faith: just great. Thanks for asking

Blake Office: :)

Faith: listen?

Blake Office: yeah...?

Faith: i am ready. I won't give up on you :)

Blake stopped replying. Faith started to get a little nervous but then calmed down by telling herself that it's during work hours, she might have suddenly gotten busy.

After almost half an hour, Faith's mobile pinged.

Blake Office: let's see :)

Faith looked at the message all confused. Did she want her to give up? Was she going to make it harder for her? But Faith was tenacious too.

Faith: you will.

Blake did not reply after that. Faith sat in her room thinking of all the worst case scenarios that would happen after this conversation. But her thoughts were interrupted again and again by the thought of Blake and her kissing.

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