Chapter 17

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The office seemed empty but not for too long as the people who had gone for the convention were about to come back today.

Blake felt too excited and could barely concentrate on her work properly.

After lunch, the door opened and Max entered happily, followed by all the employees that were gone too.

Max immediately started briefing them about the new potential clients and their strategies to gain them and make them stay.

Blake was trying to listen to it carefully but she kept looking over at Faith who was standing right next to Max and was also staring back.

Max was too excited and hadn't stopped talking for forty five minutes. He gave the whole office an early leave as everyone was really jetlagged.

Blake packed up her things, her heart racing with every step that Faith took towards her.

Erica suddenly jumped on Faith and hugged her but Faith couldn't seem to concentrate. She couldn't keep her eyes off her girlfriend.

Erica stepped away and decided to concentrate on her relationship while Faith finally stood in front of Blake. Faith raised her arms to hug her when Blake stopped her.

"Not here. Let's go home. NOW!", Blake ordered, held her arm and left the office immediately.

They reached their apartment, and both of them hadn't shared a single conversation all the way back home. They both sat quietly, fidgeting while they held hands.

As soon as Faith locked the door, Blake dropped all her belongings on the floor and jumped on Faith. Faith easily caught her and hugged her back extremely tightly.

They both stood like this for a really long time and none of them were ready to let go. Blake finally got down, wiped her tears and playfully began to punch Faith on her arms.

"Fuck you. I hate you", she kept saying repeatedly.

"What did I do? I was expecting a kiss...", Faith asked innocently.

"I have gotten used to you. How many times have I told you not to do things for me? Do you have any idea how I have spent this weekend?", Blake crossed her arms and stood in front of Faith ready to pick a fight.

"If you think I'm in the mood for you to fight with me then I have some bad news for you. I am in the mood for this", Faith grabbed Blake's face and kissed her.

Blake didn't resist and continued to kiss her as she got on her toes and put her arms around her neck.

Faith stopped kissing, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to their bedroom. She sat on the bed and Blake sat on her lap with her legs around her waist. They continued to kiss as they began to undress and couldn't stop touching each other.

Faith's hands moved from her face to her neck, to her shoulders. She traced the curvature on her back with her fingers which made Blake moan a little and squeeze her legs around her. Faith started leaving a trail of kisses starting from her neck and stopped on her chest.

She looked at Blake for permission who had her eyes closed and back arched as she was enjoying the moment.

"Today, don't ask for permission" Blake barely spoke.

Faith kissed her chest, and then started sucking on her breasts. Blake moaned loudly and grabbed Faith's head with both hands and started to grind a little on her lap.

Faith picked her up and almost threw her on the bed and almost tore off her jeans while removing it and went straight to eating her out with one hand holding her waist and the other holding her breast, playing with the nipples.

It did not take a long time but Blake came soon enough, as her legs still kept shaking even after Faith had stopped.

"I missed you", Faith finally spoke as she slumped into the bed.

Blake still couldn't speak and was trying to catch her breath. Faith started smiling when she saw that which made Blake roll her eyes and punch her on her arm again.

She covered them with their blanket, stretched Faith's arm out and nuzzled into her neck, with her arms and legs wrapped around her.

"I hate you", Blake whispered again.

"I love you too my love", Faith smiled.

Faith was extremely happy, she loved seeing Blake so needy and clingy. Blake always seemed to control her emotions around her but today she couldn't help it. She kept letting Faith know how much she hated her for leaving her alone after making her a habit.

"So how am I going to live without you now?", Blake asked angrily.

"Why do you have to live without me? I told you, I'm not going anywhere", Faith smiled.

Blake hugged her even more tightly trying to remove any space that was left between them. She felt so vulnerable and weak but at the same time she felt so safe and loved in her arms knowing that she wasn't getting judged for her emotions.

"I have missed you so much", Blake finally said something positive to her.

"I know. I missed you too", Faith then kissed her forehead.

Blake couldn't stop smiling as Faith kept updating her about their trip. She was cooking in the kitchen while Blake sat on their couch listening to her endless stories.

She felt so much at peace now that Faith was home.

Blake walked up to Faith and mid sentence kissed her. Faith picked her up and put her on the counter without breaking the kiss.

"What was that for?", Faith asked after sometime.

"I never thought I would ever be this in love with anyone", Blake smiled.

Faith kissed her forehead and smiled back. She wouldn't sometimes believe that a girl as beautiful as Blake was ever in love with her.

"Well, I am the luckiest girl in the world", Faith spoke and continued to stir the pot.

Faith and Blake sat on the couch as they ate, quietly. None of them spoke to each other, they were comfortable sharing the silence.

"I know you might probably get annoyed by me repeating this again and again but no one has ever taken care of me the way you do and my heart has never craved anyone's presence the way it did when you were not here", Blake spoke breaking the ice.

"I don't know what to say. I love you, that's all I know and you take care of me too", Faith smiled.

Blake picked up the plates after dinner and washed them and went and laid down with Faith on the couch.

Faith's hand slowly stroked Blake's arm while they watched tv. But Blake still couldn't get enough of her touch and suddenly got up and pulled Faith into their bedroom ready for round two.

For Better, For worse {GirlxGirl}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora