Chapter 6

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Faith stayed in her bed in the morning. She didn't feel like getting out of bed. She was still experiencing yesterday's euphoria.

She couldn't stop replaying the moment in her head. The crush that had died down, was now wide awake.

She kept thinking about Blake's arms around her neck, and the way she whispered in her ear.

She felt giddy, but finally decided to get up and go to work and see Blake again.

Faith took a long shower, applied perfume, dressed up nicely in her red flannel shirt and black jeans and went to work.

As she entered the office, she saw Blake already sitting at her desk working.

Faith went and sat next to her. She waited for few seconds but Blake seemed to be completely engrossed in her work.

"Hey", Faith whispered.

Blake looked at Faith who was smiling widely. She smiled back and nodded and continued to work.

Faith began to work with a million questions running through her head but suddenly it clicked.

It's early, she must be cranky. She will talk to her during lunch. Faith took a deep breath and continued to work, excitedly waiting for lunch.

Faith went into the break room to see Erica and Jack already eating. They waved at her and she went over to speak to them.

"Why did you give my address to Blake?", Faith asked bluntly.

"She wanted to fix things", Erica replied, "Sooooo. How was it?"

The moment of Blake putting her arms around her started to play in her head again. Faith sat down and just smiled.

"You have it so bad for her", Jackson laughed.

"Shut up", Faith spoke.

Erica, Jack and Faith continued to talk about their weekends when Blake entered the break room.

Faith and Blake looked at each other but Blake decided to ignore her and sat down with a different group of people.

Faith's smile faded, why was she ignoring her? Was it because she didn't say anything last night?

"She'll come around", Erica whispered and placed her hand on her shoulder.

Faith lost her appetite and got out of the break room. She sat on her desk and continued to work but the thought of Blake coming and sitting next to her was now making her nervous.

She suddenly felt extremely homesick and wanted to hug her mom.

How could Blake go from apologising and crying in front of her to being her old self again?

Faith got up and went to the break room again where she saw Blake sitting with Erica and Jackson.

Faith walked up to them and ignored Blake.

"Erica I think I'll be going home today. I will talk to Max and try and take a few days off", Faith spoke and could feel Blake's gaze on her.

"Nooo. Don't go. It's not going to feel the same without you", Erica got up and hugged Faith.

"I'm sorry but I'll be back soon", Faith smiled softly  and looked at Blake who was staring at a wall next to her.

Erica held Faith's hand and took her to the washroom.

"Is it because of Blake?", Erica asked.

Faith didn't reply. Suddenly a weird kind of sadness washed over her.

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