Chapter 18

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It had been three years since Max had started his business and it was safe to say that it was booming.

His small idea of starting an online counselling app had turned into a big business and he had to make sure his small group of employees knew that without them it wasn't possible.

After months of hardwork and continuous flow of cash, Max decided to treat his employees at their bar.

All the employees were excited and were happy too that their hardwork was recognised.

This time no one sorted out into the usual groups, everyone was mingling with each other, everyone was too happy about the company's success.

Blake and Faith were not together in the beginning of the party. They had parted ways to hangout with other coworkers. From time to time they would look at each other, ensuring that both of them were doing okay. Blake would sometimes signal at Faith to save her from a conversation but otherwise the evening was going well.

As Erica and Blake chatted with beers in their hand, they noticed Ava from the IT department laughing a little too hard at what Faith had just said.

They couldn't hear the conversation but Blake noticed how Ava would keep touching Faith's arm and would try to get close to her again and again.

It wasn't just Blake who noticed that, Erica had noticed it too and was waiting for a bomb to explode at any moment.

"I thought she was straight", Erica blurted.

"What are you talking about?", Blake tried to act oblivious to the situation.

"I practically saw you murder Ava with your eyes right now so stop the bullshit", Erica smirked.

Blake did not reply, she couldn't help but look at Faith, who stood there casually and for some reason seemed very talkative today as she spoke to Ava and two more coworkers Aaron and Beth.

It wasn't like Faith to be this extroverted but today she was happy, so happy that she didn't notice that the girl next to her had been flirting with her all night and that HER girl was ready to beat the shit out of her.

After the 17th touch on the arm Blake couldn't stand it anymore and walked over to Ava and broke her beer bottle on her head.

Actually no! That is what she felt like doing. Instead she walked over, casually ignored Ava and kind off pushed her a little away from Faith as Faith easily placed her arm on her waist as she continued to talk.

Blake looked at Ava and smiled sweetly but her eyes said a different story.

'You look at my girl again and I will bash your face into the concrete' was easily conveyed through her eyes.

Ava wasn't stupid, she saw the message loud and clear and got embarrassed and walked away slowly and Faith didn't even realise that a member of the group had walked away.

After the conversation Aaron and Beth walked away too and it was just Faith and Blake standing together. As soon as they walked away, Blake got out of Faith's arm and stood in front of her and crossed her arms.

"I want to go home" Blake spoke without maintaining eye contact.

"What happened sweetheart? You okay?" Faith asked concerned completely unaware of the jealous rage Blake was going through.

Blake hated the fact that Faith was so clueless and was still being so sweet. It was making it a little hard for her to stay mad at her.

"I just want to go", Blake stomped her left foot like a little kid ready to create a tantrum.

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