Cuddles (naked) - Ally Mayfair-Richards

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I hear the front door close shut as I sit on the chair, in the dining room, writing my essay for school. Ally takes off her coat and hangs it up before taking off her shoes and putting them on the shoe rack.

"Love?" she calls out for me, "Dining room" I say while focused on my essay. She smiles and walks into the dining room, she kisses my cheek and strokes my hair softly, I melt in her touch and tilt my head back, looking up at her while smiling.

She smiles back and softly kiss me on lips, I kiss back and sigh softly. "How was the restaurant?" I ask softly as she sits on my lap, wrapping my arms around her tightly. "It was good, a little stressful. And I missed my beautiful fiancé" she smiles and kisses my cheek as I blush softly.

"I missed you too" I kiss her cute button nose, "How about.. we take a bath?" I suggest with a big smile since I knew it helped us relax when we're stressed. She nods quickly "Yes please, ill get the bath ready" she pecks my lips before standing up and walking out the room.

I smile and quickly finish my essay before saving it for tomorrow. She walks upstairs and hums happily while walking into our room and into our bathroom, she turns on the bath and adds a bath bomb and bubbles since she knew how much I loved them, also adding some rose petals.

I close my laptop and stand up, I push my chair in and quickly walk upstairs and into our bedroom. She turns off the water and starts getting undressed, putting her dirty clothes into the hamper. I lean against the doorway and watch her while biting my lip, admiring her curves, moles and freckles.

She smiles and turns around, facing me as she felt my eyes on her. "You look amazing" I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her neck, she blushes softly and kisses my cheek, "Thank you baby, now it's you turn beautiful". She undresses me quickly but carefully before rubbing her hands all over my body, getting goosebumps all over my body while my face turns red. 

She chuckles and steps into the bathroom, sitting down and opening her arms for me. I smile and carefully get in, laying between her legs as we cuddle each other tightly and protectively. I sigh happily and lay my head on her chest, kissing it softly and lovingly. 

She closes her eyes and melt in my kisses as she caresses my 3 month baby bump, "I love you both" she says lovingly. I smile softly and kiss her cheek. 

"We love you too"


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